Nation Full Name (Short Name in Bold): United Principalities of Ineland
Plot: 10
Culture Minister Name: Sophie
Culture Minister Surname(s): JACOBY
Applying Heritage Site: Parc national du forêt de Casogne (Casogne Forest National Park)
Natural, Cultural or Historical Site (Choose one): Natural Site
Location: Margraviate of Casogne, Côte Carniellaise region
Reasons Why It Should Enter the EHSP: Casogne Forest is the last remaining part of the large primeval forest that covered most of current-day Ineland for millennia. This forest is home to a wide variety of endemic species that are long gone in the rest of the country such as the bison, the wooly Casogne hare and the Carniellaise ibex. It was designated a national park in 1936, having remained so ever since. Tight regulatory control has allowed for the forest to remain free of farming and industrial activity.
Managed By: Federal Agency for the Management of Natural and Heritage Areas (AGeNeM, Agence pour la Géstion des espaces Naturels et de Memoire)
Is it Private-owned or State-owned?: State-owned
Does the site, in your opinion, meet the requirements?: Yes, it fullfils criteria 1, 2 and 3 for natural site designation.