Amendment to the Constitution for the Neutralization of the Council Speaker and Deputy Speaker
Debate has now closed. It is time to vote on amendments. Voting on amendments begins NOW and will last until 09:15 GMT on August 16th, 2020.
There is one amendment, proposed by Councillor Helhuan:
Amendment I
Section IV. Speaker of the European Council
IV. The Speaker is elected for a period of eighteen months with unlimited terms6 months with a limit of 3 terms. There is a seven day period for nominations and debate, followed by a seven day period for voting. Voting shall follow the Alternative Vote system.
I vote FOR the amendment.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
I vote FOR the amendment.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote FOR the amendment proposed by Cllr. Helhuan.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Montenbourg, I vote FOR the amendment proposed by Cllr. Helhuan.
Emma Granger
Councillor for Montenbourg -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Fremet, I vote FOR the Amendment.
Charles Michel
Councillor for the Kingdom of Fremet -
On behalf of the Realm of Great Ruthund, I vote FOR all amendments
Helhuan Zihuruthstukur
EU Councillor, Ruthund -
On behalf of the Archrepublic of Vayinaod, I vote FOR the amendment.
On behalf of the Republic Nofoaga I vote FOR this amendment.
Mrs. Azaya Dubecq
EU Councilor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
On behalf of the United Kingdoms of Mennrimiak i vote AGANIST the amendment
Adam Karlssen
Councillor for Mennrimiak -
With 8 votes for and 1 vote against, Councillor Helhuan's amendment has passed. The legislation has been updated to reflect the passed amendment.
Final voting begins NOW and will last until 21:00 GMT on August 19th, 2020.
On behalf of the Microstate of Inquista, I vote AGAINST this amendment.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote AGAINST this amendment.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Fremet, I vote AGAINST this amendment.
Charles Michel
Councillor for the Kingdom of Fremet -
On behalf of the Republic of Nofoaga, I vote AGAINST this amendment.
Mrs. Azaya Dubecq
EU Councilor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
On behalf of the Archrepublic of Vayinaod, I vote AGAINST this amendment.
Carita Falk
Archrepublic of Vayinaod -
On behalf of the Realm of Great Ruthund, I vote FOR this admendment.
Helhuan Zihuruthstukur
EU Councillor, Ruthund -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Reitzmag, I vote FOR this amendment.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
On behalf of the United Kingdoms of Mennrimiak, I vote AGANIST this amendment.
Adam Karlssen
Councillor for Mennrimiak -
The Empire of Inimicus votes AGAINST this Amendment.
Sir Augustus Barrington
On behalf of the Commonwealth of Leagio, I vote AGAINST this Amendment.
Francis Plessis
EU Councilor for Leagio -
On behalf of the Kingdoms of Montenbourg, I vote AGANIST this amendment.
Emma Granger
Councillor for Montenbourg