Amendment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Debate begins NOW and will continue until 17:16 GMT on July 8th, 2024.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
Full support.
Sofie Čikarová
Councilor for Czech Slavia -
As the Speaker of the European Council, I would like to welcome Premier Commissioner Corinna Larsen to the Chamber, and wish her the best of luck during her term. Her luck and her choices will be the Europeans' during the next four months.
Concerning the proposal, I believe that the Amendment is well-written, that it includes everyone, which should be the main objective of this proposal, and that is appropiate to include the Right to Divorce in the Constitution. The Kingdom of Spain will certainly support this.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
I have no opposition to this act. Every woman or man should have the right to divorce, the right to choose your partner is a fundamental right that is enshrined in Duchies law.
Skye Hook, Deputy Councillour for United Duchies
I would also propose a 2nd amendment:
Section XXIII. Right to Marriage and DivorceI. Everyone has the right to marry or be in a marriage in accordance with the law without distinction as to their sex, gender or sexual orientation.
II. Everyone has the right to divorce in accordance with the law without distinction as to their sex, gender or sexual orientation.
III.Upon divorce in event of a dispute the courts shall determine who is most fit to be parent and the appropriate custodial arrangements without any distinction as to sex , gender or sexual orientation.
IV.Upon divorce in event of of a dispute and in absense of a pre-nuptial agreement the courts shall determine the appropiate split of assets based on the contribution to the marriage and income by each partner without without any distinction as to sex , gender or sexual orientation.I have added these amendments because the right to divorce is no right if the cost is high or the courts and nationstate can use other laws surrounding custody or asset distribution to effectively trap people in marriages they don't want to be in and leave the partner in an abusive relationship dependent on the abusive partner.
Skye Hook, Councillour for United Duchies
Thank you for your amendments, Councillor Hook. While I appreciate your views on the matter, I think your amendment overregulates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I guarantee you and everyone else with the same concern that sex is protecting gender with the original proposal. At the same time, I believe it is not the European Union's job to regulate the functionment of national Civil Courts, something this amendment you are proposing would do.
Corinna Larsen
Premier Commissioner -
I also propose the following amendments
Amendment 1:I. Everyone has the right to marry or be in a marriage in accordance with the law without distinction as to their sex, gender, religion , nationality, ethnicity, disability neuro-type or sexual orientation.
II. Everyone has the right to divorce in accordance with the law without distinction as to their sex, gender, religion, nationality , ethnicity, disability, neuro-type or sexual orientation.Ammendment 2:
III.Upon divorce in event of a dispute the courts shall determine who is most fit to be parent and the appropriate custodial arrangements without any distinction as to sex , gender, religion, nationality , ethnicity, disability ,neuro-type or sexual orientation.
IV.Upon divorce in event of of a dispute and in absense of a pre-nuptial agreement the courts shall determine the appropiate split of assets based on the contribution to the marriage and income by each partner without without any distinction as to sex , gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity ,disability, neuro-type or sexual orientation.If we are going to change the law we might as well use it to protect all group.s
Skye Hook , Deputy Councillour for United Duchies -
I fully support the original text of the proposed amendment, an extraordinary advance for the freedom of women across this Union.
Iras Tilkanas
Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
I would like to ask why you focus on women. This is an important advance for men , women and all minorities across the EU.
Skye Hook , Deputy Councillour for United Duchies
Girls rule, boys drool.
Iras Tilkanas
Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
Debate is now over. It is time to vote on the proposed amendments. There are THREE amendments up to vote, all of them proposed by Councillor Skye Hook:
Amendment I - Proposed by Cllr. Skye Hook
I. Everyone has the right to marry or be in a marriage in accordance with the law without distinction as to their sex, gender or sexual orientation.
II. Everyone has the right to divorce in accordance with the law without distinction as to their sex, gender or sexual orientation.
III. Upon divorce in event of a dispute the courts shall determine who is most fit to be parent and the appropriate custodial arrangements without any distinction as to sex , gender or sexual orientation.
IV. Upon divorce in event of of a dispute and in absense of a pre-nuptial agreement the courts shall determine the appropiate split of assets based on the contribution to the marriage and income by each partner without without any distinction as to sex , gender or sexual orientation.
Amendment II - Proposed by Cllr. Skye Hook
I. Everyone has the right to marry or be in a marriage in accordance with the law without distinction as to their sex, gender, religion , nationality, ethnicity, disability neuro-type or sexual orientation.
II. Everyone has the right to divorce in accordance with the law without distinction as to their sex, gender, religion, nationality , ethnicity, disability, neuro-type or sexual orientation.
Amendment III - Proposed by Cllr. Skye Hook
III. Upon divorce in event of a dispute the courts shall determine who is most fit to be parent and the appropriate custodial arrangements without any distinction as to sex , gender, religion, nationality , ethnicity, disability ,neuro-type or sexual orientation.
IV. Upon divorce in event of of a dispute and in absense of a pre-nuptial agreement the courts shall determine the appropiate split of assets based on the contribution to the marriage and income by each partner without without any distinction as to sex , gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity ,disability, neuro-type or sexual orientation.
Voting on amendments will commence NOW and will last until 17:55 GMT on July 15th, 2024.
I vote AGAINST all Amendments.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of United Duchies I vote FOR all amendments
Skye Hoom,Deputy Councilliour of United Duchies -
I vote AGAINST all amendments.
Iras Tilkanas
*Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
I vote AGAINST all amendments.
Devon Albert
Interim Councillor for The State of Elthize -
On behalf of the Commonwealth of Leagio, I vote AGAINST all these Amendments.
EU-Councilor Lionel Morel
Voting on the amendments has concluded. The voting results are the following:
- With 1 vote FOR and 4 votes AGAINST, Amendment I has FAILED.
- With 1 vote FOR and 4 votes AGAINST, Amendment II has FAILED.
- With 1 vote FOR and 4 votes AGAINST, Amendment III has FAILED.
Final voting begins NOW and will last until 15:42 GMT on July 24th, 2024.
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote FOR this Amendment.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of the United Kingdom, I vote FOR this amendment
Caroline Lucas
The Kingdom of Reitzmag's Assembly for the European Council has decided through a vote with the presence of all members as follows:
Question: Support the 2024 Amendment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the Right to Marriage.
Ayes - 0
Noes - 10
Abtentions - 1The Ayes have it. The Ayes have it.
Therefore, the Kingdom of Reitzmag votes AGAINST this act.
Dame Yuridiana Yahontov GCC
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
Voting has now concluded. With 2 votes FOR and 1 vote AGAINST, this amendment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has FAILED.
Donald Tusk
Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain