Protection of Body Integrity for Children and Intersex People Act 2020
I think the act's purpose it's good, but we are starting to enter on relogious traditions and I don't like the fact that we could be limiting a religion like Judaism. Before I get to explain why I am not supportive of this bill, the European Council isn't here for having 4-years-old here as Councillors, or to limit a religion. I would like to ask the Speaker if it's possible to get rid of this little and strange girl aplying the EACA bill and I think that many other regulations that should be to avoid this especifically.
Section I is not that bad, because we would be doing something that in Spain is already done, asking for the consent of the person whose entering the operation theatre before operating him. If the person who's going under a surgery is underage, their parents must sign the papers that has to be signed before the child enters the operation theatre. But Section II, ruins, in my opinion, the whole act. Cllr. Gökçen, we can't limit a religion as we can't limit freedom of expression. That's why I'll support the amendment proposed by Councillor Firoux which also deletes Section I, because it would be quite a contradiction if we deleted Section II but left Section I.
Section III would be really dangerous if Article IV passed. I obviously support Intersex people, but giving them the rights to refuse medical interventions for any reason is really dangerous for the health of many people, including his. That's why I'm going to amend that Article and propose its elimination from the bill. And finally, Section IV needs some amending, because even if we have the Non-Binary identity recognised, the child's parents decide what their children is during its 18 ages of life, that means, from 0 to 18 years old. If finally the child decides to be a woman and he was a man, he will be able to change his gender anywhere in Spain.
With that said, these are my amendments:
Amendment 1
- No citizen shall be subjected to any intersex medical interventions without their explicit consent if there is no risk of death or heavy injuries.
- Potential risks and side effects of any intersex medical interventions shall be thoroughly explained and disclosed to the citizen or their parents, if the citizen is an underage children, before the beginning of the procedure.
No citizen under the age of majority shall be subjected to any intersex medical interventions, even with parental consent, if there is no risk of death or heavy injuries.Intersex people shall have the right to refuse medical interventions for any reason.
Amendment II
- Member states shall recognize intersex or non-binary as a gender identity. If the member state already recognizes the third gender apart from male or female, they may include intersex people on that gender identity.
Children born intersex shall not be assigned any gender apart from intersex until they reach the age of majority, where they can choose to change genders or stay as intersex.- Member states shall not recognize intersex as a birth defect.
- Member states shall put anti-discrimination laws on the grounds of sex characteristics.
- Intersex people shall be provided equal access to services, employment, the democratic process, public consultation and complaints system, the immigration and refugee process and medical services of that member state and/or the European Union and shall not face discrimination based on their sex characteristics.
- Accommodations shall be made by member states for intersex people regarding legal documents.
Member states shall recognize any intersex medical interventions are done on citizens under the age of majority, without a valid reason as stated in Section III, as an illegal and punishable offence.Member states shall recognize any intersex medical interventions are done on citizens without explicit consent or a valid reason as stated in Section III, as an illegal and punishable offence.- Member states shall prohibit the photography of intersex people's genitalia if they're under the age of majority, for any reason.
- Member states shall prohibit photography of intersex people's genitalia without explicit consent, for any reason.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
Councillor Gökçen was so shocked by the child who has just entered the council she didn't even hear what Councillor Tusk said about the Act.
"What in the gorgeous city of Alfur is going on?" she thought to herself. She somewhat took control and started speaking.
I'm not comfortable continuing the discussion with the situation at hand. Please remove this child from the room, at once. Also, uh, I would like to have a debate extension to submit my, uh, umm, final amendments. On the Act. Yeah.
Councillor Aylin Gökçen of Alkharya
Councilor van Allen was surprised of what he saw, he went to Tobias and said:
"Was she elected as councilor for Austria? I don't think she's fit for such job. How on Earth had a minor been able to be elected into a political position?" said van Allen to Tobias quietly so that nobody else could hear.
He went back to his seat and got concerned what the child could do.
"Councilors do not worry as I will be submitting an amendment to the constitution now that we found this accountability loophole in our constitution."
Tobias Johnson Farage turned to Van Allen who he knew well and said "Well New Dawn got elected in my country somehow , at least this child is more mature than them" jokingly.
My record, my life, is a clear indication of my support and insistence on anti-discrimination and on efforts to assure equal rights for all.
I'm a cisgendered woman, I will never know the trauma of feeling like I'm not born in the right body. That is a privilege I have no matter how poor my family was when I was born. This is an excellent piece of legislation; let's see it together.
I do agree with Cllr. Tusk I don't like the fact that we could be limiting a religion like Judaism. We should be careful with religious freedom, we are entering on thin lines.
Emma Granger
Councillor of Montebourg -
This is crazy, people, what's going on?! You can't have a crazy four year old girl in the Council, it's so wrong, you can't do that! Austria is a mess! Get her outta here, go on! GET HER OUT! OUT!
First of all, this says you can't do body modifications on someone without their consent if there is no risk of death or heavy injury. Isn't that so bad? You can't do it unless there's a risk of death? That is so wrong. And as it's written now, that includes medical procedures. It doesn't say 'comestic'. It needs to say 'cosmetic'.
And you have to have legal circumcision for boys, OK? Because otherwise, you're banning the Jews, you're banning the Muslims. That's against religious freedom, OK? It's against the UDoHR, it's against our human rights. You can't have a Muslim ban, OK? That would be the most bigoted thing ever, and I, actually, am the single least bigoted person, probably in this room.
Then it says intersex people can refuse medical treatment for any reason, which, again, if you've got a necessary medical procedure, sometimes you have to do that. Sometimes you need to have power of attorney, but this bill says you can refuse for any reason. But only if you're intersex. Isn't that ridiculous?
Also, folks, you're going to have to help me here, because I'm a little confused. It says you have to recognise intersex as the new gender identity, but it says that's a personal sense of your own gender, but it says intersex kids can't be anything other than intersex - but it doesn't say anything about other kids and what they can do with their gender identity - and it also says intersex is about your sex characteristics, so that's not, in fact, a gender identity.
Oh and the big surprise is, it says you cannot take this into account in the immigration and refugee process. Do you see what's happening, folks? Slowly but surely, bit by bit, they're telling us how we can and can't decide our immigration rules, who we can and can't have in our countries. It's the Refugee Protection Act by the backdoor, only worse. The globalists are so bad, they're liars, they're cheats, and they'll leap onto anything to get their open borders agenda imposed on everyone.
And also the bill bans creepshots, but only on intersex people - if you do a creepshot on someone else, that's fine, nobody cares about that, certainly nobody in Europolis.
Folks, we're not going to be supporting this bill either, and honestly, neither should any of you.
Cllr Dragan Trympov
Anja got up from her seat. She began to remember what she had been told just before leaving for Europolis, strapped to a table.
"You," said a brown-haired man, "you are a public menace. We planned, in fact, to condemn you to death in the next two weeks. However, you now have a reason to live." This man," he continued, pointing now to a picture of the well-groomed man with the styled hair, "is your brother - you are both the children of Satan. It is your job to convince him to come back to his father."
She remembered giggling then. She had seen her father, Satan, many times, having had long conversations with him.
"Good, good," said the brown-haired man. He then left the room.
And now she was here, free to do as she wished. She walked to the Speaker.
"Hewwo, buowwo," she whispered. She stopped lisping - that was only a cover. In order to kill people, you needed to convince them of your innocence. She began to recite what had been prepared for her. "Why don't you return to our father - Satan? He has been waiting for you for so long. Everyday, I hope that you would return - our father screams for you daily. You were his greatest servant, the most evil of them all. I still remember the two of you, laughing in glee, imagining what you would and had done to those on Earth. Truly evil you were - evil, evil! And then - long ago, many years before I possessed the body of this child - you left. You planned to subvert all on Earth so that they would be free of God, of morality, and thus die and be held in the hands of our great father. And from what I can see, from what I have heard - you have succeeded! Look at all the acts you have passed - all carrying the mark of evil, all spreading it, all spreading freedom! So many more now dwell in Hell, free of God and morality and good; so many more have been liberated by your efforts. But perhaps you don't remember. That sometimes happens. You must feel Hell, feel Satan. Repeat with me, as you did so gleefully, so joyfully, so long ago! Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan!"
Anja Mauer
Kownsillor for Awstria -
"SECURITY! please get this insane girl outside and let her practice her demonic activities there."
Friedrich distanced from the girl and went to the farthest way from the girl as he gets terrified of such a security and accountability breach.
Anja giggled. "I caw'u be gowweu rih of tah easiwwy!"
She began to run at great speed around the room, screaming at the top of her lungs before jumping into the lap of Councillor van Allen. She grabbed on to his shoulders, pressing herself against him, and began to urinate.
"Argghhh f_ck, get this girl out of me now!"
Friedrich got very mad as the girl urinated onto him. He gave the girl to Dragan quickly and tested what he would do to the girl.
"SECURITY! please grab this girl out of the chamber now. Mr Speaker I'd like to request this day's session to be suspended as we tackle this insane girl. We can't debate properly if she's here."
Anja escaped from the grasp of Trympov and again ran to the Speaker.
"Now, where were we, brother?" she whispered. "Ah yes, you still don't remember. Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan!" She stopped to take a breath. "Does that jog your memory?" she said, continuing to recite the lines she was made to memorize. "Of our father? Of the evils that you planned? Perhaps you still don't know. What compels you into politics, what compels you to write these acts? Justice? What is justice? Does it whisper into your ear every night, does it appear in your dreams? Is it a faint memory of something long past? Is it a ghost of sorts, a phantom in your mind? It is your past, your past slowly beckoning you back to the cause of freedom, of Satan!"
Van Allen had pushed the girl towards Dragan, and she'd run away from him so quickly, that he didn't have any time to do anything. As the Austrian councillor ran back towards Firoux, Dragan turned towards Van Allen.
"Van Halen, what are you doing?! Why are you covered in pee, it's disgusting! And pushing her towards me, you can't do that! Nasty guy! Van Halen is a nasty guy!"
Finally, she could get to the script prepared for the response to this specific act. "Wait for me brother, wait for me," she whispered to Firoux.
"The Federal Republic of Austria opposes this act on three grounds - that it restricts the ability of minors to synchronize their gender identity with that in law, that it prevents them from receiving mental help in the case of a deterioration, and that it restricts certain religious freedoms without the grounds required to do as such.
To elucidate, the Federal Republic does allow minors to change their legal gender identity from the age of 10, with the approval of a psychologist. This would restrict this right greatly, forcing those assigned intersex at birth to remain intersex, regardless of their gender. This, in our opinions, is despicable.
Regarding this, a possible amendment could simply restrict re-assignment surgery.
We do also have a minor complaint regarding the clause stating that intersex must be recognized as a gender identity. While it certainly is a noble clause, it does appear to imply the existence of a gender binary, which should be avoided in the modern day.
Secondly, the right to refuse medical intervention should, in our opinion, not be one afforded to an individual suffering from, for example, certain forms of delusional disorder. In Austria, it is possible to force medical intervention in these cases in the case that a panel of five psychologists meeting the requirements requisite to be a member of a labor court, in addition to a judge, agree unanimously to allow said medical intervention.
Finally, as many other councillors have said, there is an issue regarding religious freedom. Male circumcision is a tradition among a number of religions - at the same time, unlike female genital mutilation, it does not result in permanent harm to the reproductive system nor possible death."
She turned back to Firoux. "It doesn't appear as though you remember yet," she whispered, still reciting. "But perhaps you will. That who you once were is still there - he is still you, you are still him. Within you is a force, a force for freedom from God. It still acts, still whispers softly to you in the night, still has driven you to accomplish so much for the liberation of man from God, from morality!"
Anja Mauer
Kownsillor for Awstria -
"Dragan, this f_cking insane girl did this." said van Allen
As the girl spoke, he got surprised how the girl successfully made a speech.
"Jesus! How did this girl be able to make this speech." said van Allen.
I'd like if the Council returned to order. I'd like to remind Councillors that we do in fact have a code of conduct, and I'd rather not have Councillors escorted out of this chamber for undisciplined and unbecoming behaviour. I have had the extreme displeasure of having people escorted out of this chamber before, and it would only upset me more if I had to repeat it.
Cllr. Mauer is an elected member of our chamber, selected by the people of Austria, and is entitled to be here. However, Cllr. Mauer is expected to follow the rules just like everyone else, and I ask that she please conduct herself in a manner that is expected of Councillors. Bloodied body parts are not be brought into the Council, and their presence could be perceived as threatening. Cllr. Mauer, I am giving you one formal warning. Any continued disturbance will result in you being ejected from the Council for this current session. I do, however, thank you for your latest statements and constructive contribution to this discussion.
Cllr. Van Allen... why have you urinated yourself before this chamber? Urinating yourself is extremely unbefitting of your office. We have a bathroom just outside this chamber, please use it. Also, please tone down with your language. Using cuss words is extremely inappropriate in the Council, especially when aimed at small children.
Lastly, I'd also like to remind everyone that virtually all Council procedures and activities are filmed and broadcasted publicly. You are being watched.
Now, let us please continue this session without any further incidents.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
Mr. Speaker I'm sorry but Coun. Mauer had done this even if you review the CCTV cams in this chamber.
So long ago had those at the facility told her what to do in this scenario. She played her part perfectly.
"I do not understand," she slowly said, "why you all reject the liberation."
She paused, as she had been instructed to do over and over by her caretakers.
"This act is Satanic; it is an act against God, and thus an act for the liberation of humanity, an act for our deliverance from the terrible regulations imposed by that tyrant.
You may, of course, say whatever you wish to deny this; but it will not come to be. The Satanism of this act is an unalterable fact. To deny it, to be fair, would be Satanism as well - all that rebels against the established order is Satanism, and it is, in the end, the fall of the order - the fall of truth, of comfort, of morality, of all institutions and social facts that we take for granted - that we, the vanguard of the movement of Satan for the liberation of all mankind, fight for.
But this is of no matter. This legislation is the first step toward the great abolition of all things, and I thus support it wholeheartedly - with, of course, some adjustments, demanded of me by the still unenlightened government of Austria.
Councillor Firoux, in the life before his existence, once fought for this liberation, as I do now. He does not accept it, of course. But that in itself is a movement for the movement, and thus the movement of himself back to the prime specimen that he was before his existence, fighting for the liberation of all things, fighting against God, and for all that that is represented by Satan - true freedom! In time, he shall remember, and shall be returned and restored.
But again, that is of no matter. I am proudly a Satanist, for I strive for the liberation of society; join me in voting for this Satanic act, and thus for the greater liberation!"
She panted. It was difficult to remember so much; at the same time, it would often conjure up memories of the electric shocks, of the various poisons, of the burns.
Anja Mauer
Kownsillor for Awstria -
Im worried that the United Kingdoms of Mennrimiak cant anything else on the matter until this problem is solved.
(leaves the chamber)
Adam Karlssen
Councillor for Mennrimiak -
Dear Speaker, I would like to withdraw this bill to re-introduce it in a more acceptable way and to a more stable environment in the future. This is an incredibly extraordinary situation that makes me struggle to work on the Act. Thank you.
Councillor Aylin Gökçen of Alkharya
This bill has been withdrawn from consideration.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista