"I have agreed with you all I think needs to be agreed to - from economy, to defense, to citizens rights, I think this summit has been an immense success."
The two heads of government were lead out to an area outside the Saint Pierre Dominion Assembly with two podiums, and the press seated outside. They were both invited to make statements and then to answer questions.
"Today, here in Saint Pierre, we have made great progress towards a more peaceful future. Ms Baschet and I have agreed on defence policy, agreeing to standardise our nuclear arsenals and we have agreed to cooperate on security and run drills cooperatively. In addition, we have made the freedom of movement of people, goods and services easier for people on both sides of la Manche which will facilitate economic growth. This is a step in the right direction, so I look forward to continuing to cooperate with the government of Gallorum to carry on this move towards peace. I will now take a few questions."
"Hi, Henri François from the National Times. Is it total free movement or are there some caveats?"
"It is total free movement for people who want to work. People who get jobs within 3 months of making a move can continue living in either Gallorum or Icholasen, but without jobs they cannot continue on."
"Michelle Legault from the NBC. Are you confident these proposals can pass through the Nonet?"
"Absolutely. I have no doubt ever since the Saint Romain by-election win that we will be able to secure a majority in the Nonet for the proposals agreed here. I will take one final question."
"George Henderson from the Saint Novella Chronicle. Will there be a decrease in the military power of Icholasen?"
"No, we will be working to raise both our nations up to the same level, rather than reducing our military force. This is so that we can face up to the problems we face as a nation. Thank you for your questions."