In Full: Confederal President Nestor Karaman's Swearing-In Speech
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Newly sworn-in Confederal President Nestor Karaman delivers his inaugural address outside the recently renamed Inimician Cathedral (formerly the Cathedral of Sts Peter and John) in Het Goor.
- President-Elect Nestor Karaman is sworn in as President of the Confederacy of North Diessen in the Inimician Cathedral, Het Goor
- President Karaman promises "a renewed focus of internationalism", stressing Diessen's relationships with its neighbours as top government priorities.
- Other key promises include the reiteration of the pledge to complete the Artabanos Canal in the first 100 days of the Presidential term, the capture of former President Mueller and his associates, and general left-of-centre economic policies such as tax hikes for higher incomes and moderate increases in government spending in the economy.
Het Goor, 2nd May 2022 -- Not 48 hours after the Presidential election results were certified by the Confederal Electoral Commission and the Inimician Imperial Guard Investigation Unit, Nestor Karaman was sworn in as Confederal President. Citing "safety concerns" and a "filling of the executive void", Karaman had pushed legislators to allow for an earlier-than-usual inauguration date, which, given he is not replacing any previous incumbent, the Grand National Assembly was content to accommodate. Speaking to a crowd tens of thousands strong in the central Cathedral Square in the Diessenar capital Het Goor, Karaman set out a legislative agenda for his next five years in office in an inaugural address.
"My friends and compatriots, thank you. It truly is the greatest honour that any Diessenar citizen could experience to stand before you today. Our popular movement was successful during the election, and it will continue to be successful during the coming presidential term, during the next legislative elections, and into the long distant future. I have you to thank for your support.
"The Diessenar Peoples know what the first priority of this administration will be. We will build the vital link between our two shores with renewed vigor and strength, and complete the entirety of the Artabanos Canal within the first one hundred days of my Presidency. To this end, the Confederal Government will infest a further ₺50 million on top op the previously pledged infrastructure fund. I have further managed to extract another ₺200 million from our friends to the south and the Artabanos Foundation. Truly, our canal will be the envy of the infrastructure world.
"Our nation needs healing. Our Confederacy was severely weakened by the rift of 2021, and this administration will take the necessary steps to close this rift. We will start by eliminating the mould and rot of Ekrem Mueller from all levels of government; Confederal, State, Local, Ekrem loyalists and pro-putsch actors will be hunted down and put to trial. I promise you, Peoples of Diessen, that after the first year of my term we will have a renewed democracy in North Diessen, free from corruption, free from self-centered imperialists, where the livelihoods of every citizen count equally.
"This, sadly, we cannot do alone. You know as well as I do that last year's war tore down our industry, destabilised our internal economy, and left us exposed to the stealing, criminal hands of the Mueller clique. It is with this in mind that this administration will seek investment from the European Development Agency to repair the damage that was done. We have also arranged further negotiations with the Imperial Government of Inimicus, who have offered a ₺5bn annual fund to shore up our economy. Truly, the Confederacy is blessed with such allies and such a community in our region; I intend to ensure we can be there for our allies, such as our allies are there for us.
"We will seek rapproachment with the United Duchies, whom my predecessors alienated and cast aside. We will work as an active member of the Caspian Treaty, improving relations with all our Caspian partners, including the Kingdom of Reitzmag and Pravoslaviya. We will seek to end the scourge of piracy in our northern waters, collaborating closely with the Inimician Imperial Navy. And finally, speaking of which, our greatest and most trustworthy allies to the south, who intervened decisively when our nation was on the brink of destruction last year, must receive our unrelenting and unwavering support and loyalty. The Inimicians were there for us in our times of need, including in safeguarding this past election campaign, and we will be there for them should their time ever come.
"To His Imperial Majesty Emperor Artabanos of Inimicus, I say thank you, on behalf of the Peoples of Diessen. To you all, wherever you may be and whatever your personal circumstances are, I say thank you. I will get to work, this administration will get to work, to ensure that every Diessenar citizen will, very shortly, once again voice with pride our national motto: He is happy who says 'I am a Diessenar'."