Freedom of Navigation Act
Mr. Deputy Speaker, my first amendment seems to have been mixed with another amendment, as well as part of it has not been included. This is the amendment I am referring to :
Amendment I
II. Ships of any nature are entitled to transit through straits or any analogous natural waterway connecting two or more masses of international water under the right of transit passage unless the straits they are transiting through are compiled in Section III.
III. No state shall unilaterally grant itself the right to deny or limit the passage of any ship through international waters. or through territorial waters under the right of transit passage.
IV. Transit passage of a ship through territorial waters may be denied only in the event of a clear violation of European Union law and with the consent of the appropriate national court.
IV. An Observatory of European Navigation shall be established, in order to oversee the proper implementation of this Act.SECTION III: EXEMPTIONS
I. The Strait of Adventuranza, which boundaries are defined in Addendum I, is exempted from complying with Section I and Section II, Article II of this text.
II. The Strait of Gibraltar, whose boundaries are defined in Addendum I, is exempted from complying with Section I and Section II, Article II, of this text.
III. The Strait of Varia, whose boundaries are defined in Addendum I, is exempted from complying with Section I and Section II, Article II, of this text.
IV. These exemptions do not impact civilian transit from states bordering these areas that may not be subject to any taxation or restriction on their civilian transit.[Sections III & IV renamed to Sections IV and V]
I. The Strait of Gibraltar has the following boundaries:
II. The Strait of Adventuranza has the following boundaries:
III. The Strait of Varia has the following boundaries:
Donald Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of United Duchies I vote for amendments I, II, III, IV,, VI, VII,VIII,XI, XII, XIII, XIV,XV, XVI,XVII, XVIII and against all other amendments except IX until it is cleared up.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe , Councillor for United Duchies
Councillors, apologies for the mix-up. The correct listing of amendments has now been updated. I would ask Cllr Mizrachi-Roscoe to review his vote if necessary.
Nicholas Benfield
Amendment-sick Deputy Speaker -
I vote FOR Amendments III, X and XI, and AGAINST all other amendments.
Donald Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of United Duchies I change the votes to votes for amendments I, II, III, IV,, VI, VII,VIII,IX ,XII, XIII, XIV, XV,XVI, XVII,XVIII and XIX and against all other amendments except until it is cleared up.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe , Councillor for United Duchies
Councillor Évere-Dancourt entered back into the room as soon as he was informed that voting had begun.
On behalf of the United Principalities of Ineland, I vote as follows:
Amendment Vote Amendment Vote Amendment Vote I In favour VIII In favour XV Against II Abstention IX Against XVI Against III In favour X Against XVII Against IV In favour XI Against XVIII Abstention V Abstention XII Against XIX In favour VI Astention XIII Against / / VII In favour XIV Against / / *Edited to correct a mistake in the vote of one amendment.
The State of Elthize votes FOR the first, third, tenth, eleventh, seventeenth and eighteenth amendments and AGAINST the second, fourth, fifth, eighth, fourteenth, fifteenth and nineteenth amendments. It ABSTAINS from voting in amendments not mentioned.
Liam Zachary, Councillor for Elthize
I want to on record that on behalf of the Federal Republic of Yosai, we vote in favour of amendments I, II,III, and IV and against amendments X and XI and will be abstaining for the rest.
Izumi Miwako
Councillor for the Federal Republic of Yosai. -
The Federal Republic of Lusitania and Vettonia votes as follows:
In favour:
Amendments I, III, IV, V, VII, XVI, XVIIIAgainst:
Amendments XI, XII, XIV, XVWe will abstain on all other amendments.
On behalf of the Customary Logistics Council, and the international envoy for the parliament of Nofoaga and the Caribbean, I vote against all amendments.
Edutitalle Dina
European Councillor
Six Unions of Gadalland and AspernERE BACH'AIR DUN
On behalf of the Republic of Nofoaga, I vote AGAINST all amendments.
Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare
EU-Councillor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
Voting on amendments will continue until 23:59 GMT on 8 May 2022.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker and Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
On behalf of the Commonwealth of Leagio, I vote FOR Amendments III, X and XI, and AGAINST all other amendments.
Lionel Morel
EU Councilor for Leagio -
Voting on amendments has ended. Please make any objections to the amendment count known.
Amendment Votes For Votes Against Passed or failed? I 5 5 FAILED II 2 5 FAILED III 8 2 PASSED IV 4 5 FAILED V 1 6 FAILED VI 2 4 FAILED VII 3 4 FAILED VIII 2 6 FAILED IX 1 7 FAILED X 4 5 FAILED XI 3 6 FAILED XII 1 5 FAILED XIII 1 6 FAILED XIV 1 6 FAILED XV 1 7 FAILED XVI 2 5 FAILED XVII 2 5 FAILED XVIII 2 4 FAILED XIX 2 5 FAILED Final voting begins NOW and will continue until 17:00 GMT on 15 May 2022.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker and Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
On Behalf of United Duchies I vote FOR this act
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillor for United Duchies -
The State of Elthize votes AGAINST this act.
Liam Zachary, Councillor for Elthize
On behalf of the Union of Duxburian Dominions, I vote AGAINST the act.
Wesley Greene
Councillor of the Duxburian Union -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote AGAINST this act.
Donald Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of the Republic of Nofoaga, I vote AGAINST this act.
Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare
EU-Councillor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
On behalf of the Republic of Brickston, I vote FOR this act.
Okonkwo Cyryl Lavoie
President of Brickston