European Heads of Government / State Meeting - Europolis, 6th July 2020
Juncker stood up to talk:
"Firstly I'd like to welcome the ones who have joined us a bit late. It's ok, no worries.
Gentlemen, I've asked for proposals to add into the Summit Agenda. I assume that we are going to debate about a possible pandemic, but what I pretended with this was to have as many proposals as possible in this summit and to let you make proposals about things we should add into our agenda. I ask you to please make proposals and leave the debate until we reach that point."
After that, Aguilar looked at Jean-Claude and stood up to talk:
"Good evening everyone.
I'd like to add something to this pandemic debate in which Spain would like to reveal its plans. In case of a pandemic, we would close our borders with those countries that gets cases. If we get a huge amount of cases, we would set the Estado de Alarma, a Constitutional way to stop mobility in the Kingdom of Spain. The Alarm can be set for 14 days without any vote, but then, if the Government needs an extension the Congreso de los Diputados, which is the Spanish low chamber, would need to pass the extension by an absolute majority, which means 176 seats.
That said, I would like to make my proposals for the Internal Affairs Commissioner, Jean-Claude Juncker. The proposals I've got concern my country and the European Union. These are the Spanish-Reitzmic problem, the Straits taxes and finally, this pandemic debate. We really need to get onto this and I hope not only mines, but everyone's proposals get accepted. Thank you."
President Lifejumper stands up and turns to Commissioner Juncker slightly bows apologetically.
My apologies, Commissioner Juncker, I had forgotten to initiate a proposal in my speech. I would then would like to propose the creation of a European Union Pandemic Response Organization that would be under the Internal Affairs Commissioner with the following powers:
Keep track of cases and other important data determined to be essential in fighting a disease that has declared to be a pandemic within the EU
Provide advice and feedback to the other nations of the EU to fight a pandemic (Ranging from the decision to lock down to reopening)
Initiate a call for the production of PPE equipment and other medical supplies that the Response Force deems essential with the approval of the European Council.
Determine where any essential material need to combat the pandemic needs to go in terms of nations within the EU
Provide contracts paid from the EU treasury to scale up production of the necessary medical equipment to fight an on-going pandemic
Inform the EU from its own established levels of threats the existence of a pandemic
President Kenith Lifejumper of the Commonwealth of Leagio
"I would like to also discuss the European Union's approach to Icholasen, and the consequences that should be levied against countries which defy the Council's current condemnation on the matter", Mikaela quickly added, before sitting down gain.
One head of government smears another unapologetically by playing with people's lives - Check. Mikaela Kligenberg being sassy - Check. One country bigging itself up at the expense of others - Check. Christopher Strathclyde's Head of Government Meeting Bingo was progressing swiftly, and his note-taking was interrupted only when the room's occupants looked at him expectantly. After a moment of 'who the hell are you looking at', Strathclyde rose and spoke:
"Yes, cough, er, well, unlike what most leaders here have expressed about the nations they represent - it appears to me that every EU member state has been through worse disasters and is therefore even better and more gloriously prepared than any other, but despite this preparation they have not been able to avert the horrendous catastophes of which they now so copiously boast - Inimicus is a stranger to large-scale pandemics. We have no experience with a terrible scourse of disease, however, like other wealthy European nations, Inimicus is ready. WE are unexperienced, but not unprepared.
And, unlike what I am sorry to have to call the nonsense eminating from the, er, whatever his name is, the guy from Reitzmag - Bridges! Simon Bridges! - Inimicus will never and would never refuse to come to the aid of any other nation, even if that nation did not come to ours in our times of need. Keep your medical equipment, I say to Mr Bridges. We will have none of it, until guarantees are made that Reitzmag will distribute its stocks fairly and wherever they may be needed - including all nations represented here.
I hesitantly agree with President Lifejumper's proposal, and would welcome a European Council bill to establish a joint European pandemic response agency - although the details of this should be worked out in Council rather than here. The Inimician government would warmly support joint stocks of key medical and personal protective equipment, as well as joint research funds and the pooling of science-based advice. And all of this, mind you, without being subject to the arbitrary whims of individual governments.
Oh, before I finish - I would echo Archbishop Kligenberg's proposal to discuss the apparent wave of communist and extreme-left uprisings and the situation in Icholasen in particular. And may I also, on personal behalf of Emperor Artabanos, congratulate her on her hairdo today."
"Personally the so-far discussed topics of more regional integration on pandemics, a more frank discussion on the situation in Icholasen. Once we get further into those specific discussions I will divulge the Archrepublic's position on those fronts.
Two areas of which I wish to see some discussion on are, especially a sort of convention of the standards and laws of war. The Hospital Ship act is a very recent example of the region slowly moving towards establishing those rules, however, I believe we need as soon as possible a more comprehensive regulation on warfare.
The bombing of New Moreland is a prime example of where such standards would be necessary to prevent loss of life.
The second area I seek discussion on is maritime law and coordination. The region has historically operated without maritime laws, however, I believe this is only a recipe for a war at one point. The recent announcement by the Ottomans and the Spanish over their frankly egregious taxation of the strait of Gibraltar is an example of diplomatic tensions that could be potentially stemmed by a convention on maritime harmonization.
Those are the two discussions/proposals I would personally like to see. Thank you Commissioner Juncker for this unprecedented meeting that brings national governments into the EU Decision making process unlike anything before. I hope we see this used more often. "
Archkonsul Kristian Nylund
Archrepublic of Vayinaod -
Juncker stood up to talk and smiled, he got his papers with him and his notes, which have been made during the proposals period.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for submitting your proposals. Every single one is accepted, and I consider each of them as very important for the European Union. The agenda will look like this:"
Juncker gave a paper to every single Head of Governmejnt or State that was in there. The agenda was the following one:
- European Projects
- Diplomacy and tensions (incluiding Spanish-Reitzmic feud; Icholasen's coup)
- Climate Change and Industrial Activities
- Free Movement and Trade
- Proposals made by Heads of Governments / State
"With that said, I would now like to start debating the first point, which is the European Projects I have planned for the European Union. Firstly, I would like to talk about the terms of the Commissioners. At the moment, those terms have a 4 months period, 8 months if you are re-elected. This short periods makes barely impossible to do every single thing you promised in your campaign. I would like to expand the Premier Commissioner and the Internal Affairs Commissioner to 6 months, with the possibility of getting re-elected for a 2nd time. I would also like to know your opinion on about applying this to the ongoing term.
On second place, I'm bringing some proposals to this Summit, such as building a new Internal Affairs Building in Europolis, exploring new ways of transportation between European member-states and also trying to have a better cooperation with everyone. I would like to remember everyone of you my personal office, in which you can submit new proposals for me, which I will read carefully and give you an answer as soon as possible. During this period, we have got closer to the Europeans citiens by creating the EU Commission Mobile APP, which has been successfull with aproximately 15 million downloads. This means that our citizens want to get closer to what we do here, in Europolis, and that's why I would like to hear new ideas for the APP development.
Last, but not least, I would like to talk about culture and other essential services for the Europeans. We need to encourage every single thing that we can offer. I'm sure that every single country here has lots of interesting things, which is amazing. And I, as an Internal Affairs Commissioner, would like to help every single country on what they need. That's why I was elected for this. And that's what I'm going to do. Thank you, and debate shall start now about this proposals."
(But suddenly the door is opened abruptly)
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, state leaders, can I have a seat?I would like to do a proposal, if Mr, Juncker approves it.
Juncker looked at the EU Councillor and thought: Does not Mennrimians read what this summit is it really about? My god, this is exhausting. Finally, he talked to the Mennrimian EU Councillor:
"Welcome Mr. Karlssen. Sadly, you can't attend to this meeting. This is only for Heads of Government or State, not to EU Councillors. I'm sorry."
Then the councillor looked at him and he said
"Ok Mr Internal Affairs Commissioner just don't be surprised if Mennrimiak acts in retaliation,Thank you and goodbye.
But when he leaves the room he thinks
"Oh God what happens to this guy, now i know why Reitzmic politicians hate him so much, and im not surprised" and then he leaves the building via helicopter. -
Juncker seemed surprised with that upbringing of the Mennrimian European Union's Councillor. In fact, he was surprised about his attitude. He couldn't believe that an EU Councillor, which is supposed to be nice with everyone, threatened an EU Commissioner. His face described the surprise that he got perfectly.
"Sorry for this interruption ladies and gentlemens. Obviusly this ways of talking into me are not the best but I don't know what I did wrong. Anyway, let's continue with our debate."
'Mr. Juncker, with all due respect. I would not support lengthening the term of the European Commissioners. And I suggest that you don't propose that as a bill. First of all, that would simply make you look power-hungry as you are trying to lengthen your term of office."
"And wow Mr. Juncker, another building. Are you trying to tell us that you want to lengthen your term of office so you can accomplish that building?" Then he laughs a bit. "Are you kidding Mr. Juncker?"
"I'm sorry if I may sound very displeasing in this way, but I would like to question those proposals of yours. Anyhow, I'd like to hear from the other heads of states/governments."
Aguilar stood up to talk and took his notes, red them one last time and started to speak in front of the other Heads of Government from all the European Union. He wasn't nervous or anything, he was just focused on his speech. Before pronouncing the first words of his speech, he thought on all he had done to get onto this situation, to talk in front of the other nations, some being extremists, others being rude like that Mennrimian Councillor that entered and threatened his friend, Jean-Claude Juncker, and others like Simon Bridges being Simon Bridges and acting like a Reitzmic high position does when he talks to a Spanish high office, as he was used to see. He finally thought on the 37.720.000 Spanish people that he had in his hands. It was the time to talk about the proposals from, in his humble opinion, one of the best, if not the best, Commissioner of Internal Affairs, as he thought the same of Whiteford and Reynels. He finally proceeded:
"Good afternoon everyone and thank you Jean-Claude for your proposals into the first point of the meeting agenda. I'm going to be very clear on my opinion, and firstly I would like to hear others than just you, Simon and me in this meeting.
It's true that the Commission's period are too short for what we expect from a Commissioner. The External Affairs being every 8 months it's fine, but Premier and Internal Affairs Commissioner periods are just not enough. I'm going to set an example for that: Imagine that the Spanish Government period would be 1 year. It won't be enough time to make all your proposals happen. I think that's why Mr. Juncker proposed that, instead as Mr. Bridges said, being a power-hungry person. Is this a Winston ad after losing Commission Elections Mr. Bridges?
About the building, I see it as a good idea. We need to have more buildings in Europolis, but not just for the Internal Affairs Commissioners, but for every single Commissioner. I would like to see, if it's possible, a photo of how the building would like, as the proposal was made, there has to be a project planned for it. And I would like to ask if there would be an bidding competition to get an enterprise to build that building from any country or from more than 1 country.
And finally, I would like to condem those ways that the Mennrimian Councillor used to talk at the Internal Affairs Commissioner. I personally think that if some of us here would do that, we would be embarrased the day after. And our citizens would not take that as a good thing. We should respect the European Union high offices. That's all by me, thank you for listening."
"I must agree with the Spanish President on this. In addition, I can understand from the Commissioner's standpoint on why he wants to extend the term of the position. I am in favor of having the position extended in the way that the Commissioner proposes, but I would ask the leaders in this meeting for such an implementation to be made for the next coming commissioner elections.
Furthermore, in regards to the building construction for the Internal Affairs Commissioners, I must also agree with the Spanish President on the request of a photo or picture of what this building will look like and whether or not if there is bidding competition planned for it. As President of the Commonwealth of Leagio, i will confirm that there is a prestigious company that would be willing to take part in a bid to ensure the construction of the building with the top and even beyond construction standards than what Leagio requires to be followed. That is all, I would like to say for now. Thank you for listening."
Kenith Lifejumper
President of the Commonwealth of Leagio -
Černá stood up to react to the words of president Lifejumper
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I agree with the wise words of president Lifejumper, on the topic of extending the length of the term of the Premier Commissioner and the Internal Affairs Commissioner. The reasons for extending the terms make sense, however the current Commissioners were elected for 4 months, applying the extended terms for them would mean to cheat those who elected the current Commissioners for the 4 month term." -
Not even a few minutes into the meeting and already there was a threat made against the commissioner, and a head of government was already blatantly disrespecting them. Typical Europolis day Kristian thought. They had hoped to keep a rather lower profile, but it was very evident that they would need to take a more involved approach.
"We have had seen great success in changing the Foreign Affairs Commissioner's term to eight months, something that could help Premiers and Internal Affair Commissioners also in the long run. We've applied these sorts of changes before constitutionally, and it never affected the current term so I have no idea where Prime Minister Bridges is suddenly believing Commissioner Juncker is simply power hungry. Any change to the term length would logically apply to the next term, and its rather dangerous and in fact negligent of Prime Minister Bridges to attempt to portray Commissioner Juncker's proposal as anything but sincere. I wonder if Prime Minister Bridges would be speaking a different tune if it was Mr. Winston in Commissioner Juncker's spot. I guess the campaigning never ends for Winston and his friends.
The commission buildings we have currently have had a number of terror attacks, and have grown to house more and more agencies and offices a year. I welcome a proposal to find a way to construct a new building with better security in mind, as well as more ecologically sustainable. I would like to see if we could get as many agencies under the scope of the Internal Affairs Commission under this one building to save costs as well. "
Kristian Nylund
Archrepublic of Vayinaod -
Emryc Isla's jaw had slowly dropped as he heard Juncker's proposals. As Juncker continued, he started to laugh, desperately trying to do so as quietly and subtly as possible. He started to weep with laughter when Juncker ejected Cllr Karlssen from the summit like a complete boss. Eventually he composed himself before speaking.
"Sorry, I've got to side with the Bridgemeister on this one. It's almost as if you've gathered us all here, Jean-Claude, to tell us about your plan to double, or even triple, the length of your term, and build a new building for yourself. How do I swipe left on this on your app?"
"If you made promises you couldn't keep in your term in office, that's your problem. We're all politicians, we all have to deal with that. At the very least, the current term should be four months for Premier and Internal as normal, and I'd suggest that if we are to change, we do so at the end of the current Foreign Affairs Commissioner's term."
"I mean, it's just... I can't even... ha... you literally call us all here and your first action, top of the agenda, other than the app, is to say 'hey, how about we cancel the next election and give me a second term', and then Jesus is all 'no, Jean, you're so wonderful, have a THIRD term, no need for elections! And maybe we'll have elections then, and if you win you get SIX terms!' Do you have any idea how this looks to people in Kingswinford, and Damaszka, and Edessa? I'm sorry if my laughing was... is disrespectful, but the people watching the news in Angleter tonight, good grief, if you think you've seen disrespectful, bloody hell."
"The citizens want to get away from you, Jean-Claude. Angleter is deleting the EU app, and we're not paying for Juncker Towers either. You've already beat Trympov, you don't need to have a bigger building than him too."
Finally an opinion that actually makes sense! Dante Maximillian always respected Emryc Isla's brutally honest opinions and rose to pile on some more criticism, blunt Duxburian style.
"Extending Commission terms is a terrible idea. 180 days for a single term is way too long. My country has seen quite a few Commissioners come and go that we really couldn't stand. Imagine being stuck with a Commissioner who doesn't represent you and openly antagonizes you for an entire year? Just, no. Definite no to any changes being applied to the present term.
Why do we need a new internal affairs building? Is there something so wrong with the current facilities that a single commission office needs its own building? I haven't seen a study on need or anything, this seems rather arbitrary. If it does need a building, why does it have to be a new construction? There is no existing building in the entire city that can accomodate the needs of a commission office? I find that hard to believe. The entire Duxburian federal government operates out of one structure and it's thousands of years old. New construction sounds like a complete waste of money, of which around a fifth is OUR money, mind you.
15 million downloads sounds like a bust in a region with population nearing a billion and a half. Assuming proportional reach, only around 1.8 million out of 176 million Duxburians have it. Trash reality shows have more viewership than that. Sounds like it still needs a lot of work, especially in outreach.
As for culture, yeah we have a lot of interesting things. For now. A lot of them are under active assault by people who want us all to be cookie-cutter clone countries of each other. What makes the Union of Duxburian Dominions unique slips further and further every year."
Dante Maximillian
Steward of the Duxburian Union -
Juncker stood up to talk:
"I would like to excuse me for the mistake in my speech. What I wanted to say at first, and this opinion is what I really think about this, it's that this measure would apply for the next term which we are electing in September if my calculations are alright. Thank you."
Simon who had continuously been watching Juncker and Aguilar's actions then stood up and talked calmly:
"Well, Mr. Juncker. I would support that in one condition. And that is if you are not re-elected next year. You getting re-elected on the second term having additional years of tenure is not far from what we thought you were trying to do a while ago. And it would also allow you to be re-elected once more with the new 4 month term."
Mikaela found herself to be quite thrilled and amused when the man from Mennrimiak was denied entry into the room. Finally, something interesting was happening! The Archbishop tried to suppress her laughter as much as possible in order to stop herself from being rude, but as Prime Minister Isla then began to weep with laughter, Mikaela couldn't help herself. Once anybody started to laugh, Mikaela always found herself laughing too. It was simply a natural reaction. Mikaela put her hand to her mouth to muffle her laughter as much as possible.
The Archbishop listened intently as the leaders spoke, but once the Duxburian Steward mentioned trashy reality TV, Mikaela knew it was her time to shine. At long last, a topic that Mikaela was well acquainted with. Mikaela stood up proudly to address the room.
"The people of the Duxburian Union have taste. I hope you all managed to catch the premiere episode of Mikaela Kligenberg: On Top of the World on July 2nd. The ratings have been coming in and it's been a great hit! The reception has been... critical. But that's what critics do, they critique. Besides, critically-reviewed doesn't sound that bad! At least they're watching. Anyway, the next episode airs next week Thursday, so if you can't watch it live, be sure to record it. People are saying it's revolutionizing the reality TV world, so check it out!
I definitely think I could help with the app. Like, we need to add a music feature. You can use all of my music, royalty free. Jam out to your favourite pop hit of mine while you catch up with latest from the EU. I would be soooo into that! I might actually use the app myself TBH! We could also, like, totally monetize it. Put some Kligenberg Industries ads on there and BOOM! Also, like, add an Instagram feed so we can like, totally stay up-to-date with Commissioner Reynels's gym routine. Have you guys ever tried his Peach Plumpers workout routine? Or his Back and Bicep Blasts? They're soooo good! He's like, low-key a personal trainer, just saying. So many more people would be using the app if we used these ideas, I'm telling you.
Like TBH you guys, I actually have to agree with Prime Minister Isla and Mr. Steward, the Commission terms lengths are like, totally fine. I mean, they're just long and short enough that Commissioners are encouraged to act fast. Commissioners aren't really supposed to be waiting around or being idle in their duties. 4 months is enough time for one term, and 8 months for two terms is actually very generous. This is why I resigned from that one Commission job I had, ugh was that terrible. I had to go to Dromund Kaas you guys! Dromund Kaas!
I can also like, totally help with this whole new Commission buildings situation. I'm willing to give a full interior design consultation to redesign all of the European Union buildings, and that should help in terms of opening up new spaces and make new room, as well as by totally glamming all those buildings up. I once took a summer course in feng shui from this like, kind of sketchy online learning place, but I honestly had like, the hottest teacher. Oh my goodness you guys, he was like a pro surfer dude who like, really knew his stuff about feng shui... and also about Nicoleizian realism, weirdly. People tell me all the time I have a great eye for design and also for details. I can totally reorganize all the office floors, change the interior designs and choose some new decor... they will all basically be like new buildings. We will save on so many costs by doing that instead, you guys. I totally have some ideas already saved on my Pinterest. Just some food for thought."