[Discussion] European Assembly and Other Changes
Thank you, Councillor Shakur. By the way, I love your song Thug 4 Lyf, I really resonate with the message. Why haven't you released music since 1996? I'd love to hear more!
But back to the point of this discussion. I would like a more proportional system with the system that you advise but I am open to the idea of 1 seat per 20 million instead of 10 as others have proposed. I agree with the fundamentals of your proposal and I hope that it can become reality -- it is high time there was more representation of more people in the European Council.
I am also very much in favour of your idea for the European Assembly, Ministers in a government need to have a say in the running of the European Union to make the EU more democratic, and also giving elected governments' representatives a chance to liaise with their counterparts to forge a common path forward for the European Union.
Thanks for you contribution Councillor Shakur.
E. Whiteford
Premier Commissioner -
I am open to compromising on the European Council and I am open to the suggestion that Councillor Shakaur has made in this regard. However, I find myself in agreement with the Premier Commissioner, and I believe that member states should have 1 Council seat per 20 million people instead of 10 million people. Not only is a smaller Council more effective, but it is also more fair and balanced for smaller member states, who risk having their voices being drowned out by larger member states.
If we are to make the European Council more proportionate, then we ought to also make the European budget more proportionate. Instead of each member state contributing 0.1% of the total GDP, the EU should collect 0.1% of the total GDP of the entire EU, and each member states should individually contribute to this total 0.1% of the EU GDP amount based on the proportion of their seats.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
Dear collègues,
I can understand why there's a feeling of unfairness amongst certains when we talk about the scale of representation Councilor-population.
I have many reasons why I can support this change. It's more democratic and logic. For example, when country A has a population of 70 million and country B has a population of 5 million... Both are equal to one. It's everything beside logic.
But when we make the calculus in the opposite direction, collègues. When these both aren't equal we will get an overruling by the bigger nations of the smaller ones. This proposal is restricting the representation of some Member States, Nofoaga for example. If we do follow this logic of representation based on population there is a restriction of democracy and smaller Member States hasn't the same voice anymore and will be overruled... Than you have to tell me why smaller nations should remain in the EU because I don't see it.
Thank you very much.
Mrs. Azaya Dubecq
EU Councilor for Nofoaga -
Colleagues, it has been a while since we have been discussing this. And I'd like to reopen this discussion due to our business by the past few days due to the high number of proposals we had to debate. And in the past few days, I also had the time to compile all our possible systems for our proposed parliament. You may see them in this spreadsheet. The data shown there such as the population is based on the latest available information and may have not been updated yet. And I'd like to apologize for the proposal I said at the beginning for I was reading a draft and it was not my final proposal in which I have left in my office when we first discussed on this matter.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
With the first ever session of the European Assembly completed, I believe we can now properly pass judgement on the institution. As far as I'm concerned, the meeting of the European Assembly was as successful as it could have possibly been. Much to my surprise, almost all the leaders from the EU showed up. However, I don't think that the meeting was that productive or accomplished that much in the end, despite it's success... and I perfectly understand why. There is no reason to believe that the region's leaders would ever come to a consensus, and quite frankly, I don't think many would care to. From what I was told by the Inquistan Archbishop - who herself was reluctant to go - it sounded as if the majority of leaders did not want to be there. So whether we reform the Assembly to be an assembly of leaders, or ministers, or whatever, I don't think that changes much. The bottom line is, there's no way it would meaningfully achieve things, and I don't believe we will ever see it meet again, ever, if I'm to be honest. Speaking purely on behalf of Inquista, the Archbishop, the entire Secretariat, and pretty much the entire College of Bishops, there is no appetite for any Inquistan to attend any sort of iteration of the Assembly in the future.
It's clear to me that the issues raised at the Assembly really ought to be addressed by the European Council, or through smaller summits held between countries. There is simply no need to try and "fix" something that doesn't work and nobody has the energy for.
It's sort of ridiculous how we even have a whole discussion dedicated to "fixing" this institution that literally none of us wanted in this first place. The European Assembly exists purely because it was stealthed into existence by the Councillors of Derecta and Montenbourg, who passed it 2-0. The Council Speaker at the time - who was not me, by the way - allowed it to pass without any scrutiny or participation.
In order to move this discussion forward, I feel like we need to vote on whether we want to KEEP or ABOLISH the European Assembly, and whether we want to MAINTAIN or REFORM the European Council.
This is just a discussion, so we can keep talking as we vote, and it's worth mentioning that this vote is NOT binding. We are merely collecting opinions.
Personally, I vote to ABOLISH the European Assembly and I vote to MAINTAIN the European Council as it is.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
I object Mr. Speaker that you call it the European Assembly. But I agree that it was successful. With that, I suppose that I have found a good model for the future of the European Assembly and I think these are what I could propose to be some changes:
European Assembly
Composition: heads of state or government of each member-state
Leadership: President (circulates between the heads of state or government of each member-state every year)
Convention: in Europolis at least annually or if necessary
Mediation: Commissioner of Internal Affairs
Powers:- President may propose council bills as agreed in the annual meeting
- Entire Assembly may veto one law in the Acquis Communautaire during the annual session if garnered a simple majority of those present.
And to the poll you called Mr. Speaker, I vote to KEEP the European Assembly and REFORM the European Council.
Finally, regarding the European Council. There are, as I recorded, 4 proposed systems for the future of the European Council. I would like to request a vote on which of these 4 systems I have recorded which can be seen in the spreadsheet I made. Thank you!
With that, I vote FOR the Penrose System.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
Councillor van Allen, once we decide if we want to reform the Council or not, then we can proceed to vote upon the system. I don't believe we've even reached the stage yet where we've heard all the proposals for a reformed European Council. We will cross that bridge when we get there.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
Thank you Mr. Speaker, I appreciate it.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
Changing the European Institutions is a no, no, no and again, if I haven't been clear enough, no. I think we should look at any other important things just that "Let's make an European Assembly so I can get more of my ELDR friends into it and make a Council with an ELDR majority woo!" Note that this is the funny way to say it, and believe me I don't want to be very hard cause then I would be taken to the ECoJ for being too hard towards a Councillor, a very rude thing!
About the first European Assembly meeting, I need to say that it's been a success, but I think some Presidents didn't want to be there as you said Mr. Speaker. They were not much, just 2: Mr. Maximillian and Mr. Isla, or that's what many sources say now. I will say that if we get rid of the Assembly, we could still host this meetings with no need of calling it "European Assembly", so nothing will change. And again, as you said, Derecta and Monteseux proposed this. Those countries are now gone of the European Union and mostly all they made was repealed because no one liked it but them. The only reason I find why Cllr. van Allen would like to keep it is, as I said, because he wants to have lots of ELDR people in the Council and have more projects taking ahead even if some are just crazy for Europe.
With that said, I vote to ABOLISH the European Assembly and I vote to MANTAIN the European Council as it is.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
I wholeheartedly agree with Cllr Firoux on this, and therefore I vote to ABOLISH the European Assembly and MAINTAIN the European Council as is. If it turns out the Assembly is not abolished by this vote, the Empire of Inimicus will move for a form repeal of the act establishing the Assembly by Council vote.
Sir Augustus Barrington
Empire of Inimicus -
Whoah ho!
What do you know?
The European Assembly needs to go!
Speaker Firoux has made an excellent point. The European Assembly, while a seemingly good idea unto itself, loses its appeal in its execution. I fail to see the drive behind adding additional complexity to the EU's legislative framework. My only reservation to the abolition of such a body would be to maintain it for use in emergency situations, but even still, summoning such a massive group of individuals to an impromptu meeting with the required haste would be next to impossible.
The Assembly will never be actually productive, instead serving as more of a forum for Europe's leaders to take the stage. This is not something that the EU or this Council should be responsible for. If the nations of Europe truly want to establish an 'Assembly' of their own, let them do it themselves. Dragging world leaders into such a gathering like schoolchildren to an administrator's office was never, I'm sure, the initial intent of the Assembly, but alas, that is what it has evolved to become.
As such, I move to ABOLISH the European Assembly and MAINTAIN the council as is.
Charles Michel
Councillor for the Kingdom of Fremet -
As I have previously said, though, following incessant campaigning from the Make Europe Great Again movement, there has been a welcome change in direction to some extent from the majority on the European Council, the institution as it is is far too politicised, and far too interventionist, to continue as an unchecked body with one elected member per member state. There is still no institutional check stopping a repeat of the excesses of the last few years.
I continue to believe that the Council should either revert to its original status as an appointed body of representatives of member states' governments, preferably subject to a supermajority requirement for bills to be passed; or be reformed into a full legislature with a more proportional allocation of seats, with the European Assembly reformed into the OG version of the Council.
Therefore, I vote to KEEP the European Assembly, and REFORM the European Council.
Cllr Tupac Shakur
Even though we in a moment put in favor the proposal of having an European Assembly the reality is that many of the member nations didn't put an effort to develop it. So it is our conclusion that existing institutional and political factors such as electoral methods and party systems have a significant influence this process as well requires work that many here are not willing to comply and participate, the reality is that this project has never worked even aproving a legislation. So for the moment our Council works fine.
We strongly agree with our Council Speaker and we favor "the one country, one councillor" system.
I vote to ABOLISH the European Assembly and I vote to MAINTAIN the European Council as it is.
Dame Emma Granger
Councillor for Montenbourg