Amendment to European-budget-act-2012
Amendment to European-budget-act-2012
1.Each nation is expected to contribute a membership fee ofone-tenth of one percent0.033% of their Gross Domestic Product towards funding the European Union's Budget2.How the membership fee is acquired will be left up to the nations to decide, whether it is through taxation or donation.
Balancing the budget for this purpose shall be defined as finding a way to make the total revenue of the European Union greater than or equal to the total expenses and debt of the European Union.
a. Debt of the European Union includes any and all expenditures by the European Union that results in borrowed funds either from nations within the European Union or separate entities.
b. Total revenue of the European Union includes revenue generated from taxes, Eurozone bond sales, donations, and revenue generated from government programs.
c.Revenues shall exceed expenses in a budget by no more than 10% with contributions by nations reduced accordingly according to projected budget. Contributions shall be readjusted and recalculated if a budget is projected to have revenues exceed expenses by more than 10%.The current system is frankly not working we have 60 billion Euro surplus that is money that could be spent now in government budgets nationally to support development and decrease inequality through public services or used for tax cuts and even investing in sovereign wealth funds to gain money for the nation to fund programmes sustainably into the future. There is no reason for such large surpluses to exist. If a nation was to take 3 times what it needed for its budget then it would quite rightly be seen as taking money off productive sectors for no productive use.I welcome debate on the amount of contribution needed and welcome any potential amendment proposals but clearly either spending is too low or revenue in is too high at current rate.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe , Councillour for United Duchies
Debate begins NOW and will last until 22:08 GMT on September 24th, 2021.
Donald Tusk
Deputy Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
Bp. Karinn Lallana
Councillor for Inquista -
I do not believe this amendment is needed, this is a non-issue and will just seek to overcomplicate a fairly simple system. If the Councillor has an issue with a surplus he should propose an amendment to lower the contribution level.
Cllr. Lallana put it simply, "no".
Carita Falk
Councilor for Vayinaod -
In light of what has been said I am proposing an ammendment to the ammendment :
c.Revenues shall exceed expenses in a budget by no more than 10% with contributions by nations reduced accordingly according to projected budget. Contributions shall be readjusted and recalculated if a budget is projected to have revenues exceed expenses by more than 10%.This would remove the more complex rule and simply make this act lower the contribution to a level far more in line with projected expenses.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe , Counillour for United Duchies
For the first time in a while, I have to agree with the simple but clear statement from Councillor Lallana. And also note, Councillor Mizrachi-Roscoue, that this amendment will be completely stupid after you amended the part of the text that regulated the revenues total amount, so you are now making member states contribute even more to the European Union, from a 0.001% to a 0.033%.
If you are against a huge revenue, then this amendment will just make it higher as it now stands. Pointless, to be clear.
Donald Tusk
Deputy Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
As said by our friend from Vayanoid, If the Councillor has an issue with a surplus he should propose an amendment to lower the contribution level.
Emma Granger,
Councillor for Montenbourg -
I oppose this amendment. Contribution levels should not be decreased to any more than 0.05 percent; that about the balancing of the budget is simply overcomplicated.
Iras Tilkanas
Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
I would like to point out the amendment proposed to remove that section is on the table so if you vote for that and it passes then that issue is solved. And as for the maths I know it can be difficult in the chamber when debating quickly but 1 tenth of 1 percent is 0.1% . I believe 0.033% is lower than that though its understandable for such a mistake to get made.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillour for United Duchies
Yeah you are right Cllr. Mizrachi-Roscoe, my fault. The proposed amount is lower than the current one. My apologies.
Donald Tusk
Deputy Speaker and Councillor for Spain -
I would like to please withdraw this to present it again with the changes needed.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe
The bill has been withdrawn, per the request of the sponsor.
Charles Michel
Council Speaker