Freedom of Navigation Act
The Federal Republic of Lusitania and Vettonia votes as follows:
In favour:
Amendments I, III, IV, V, VII, XVI, XVIIIAgainst:
Amendments XI, XII, XIV, XVWe will abstain on all other amendments.
On behalf of the Customary Logistics Council, and the international envoy for the parliament of Nofoaga and the Caribbean, I vote against all amendments.
Edutitalle Dina
European Councillor
Six Unions of Gadalland and AspernERE BACH'AIR DUN
On behalf of the Republic of Nofoaga, I vote AGAINST all amendments.
Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare
EU-Councillor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
Voting on amendments will continue until 23:59 GMT on 8 May 2022.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker and Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
On behalf of the Commonwealth of Leagio, I vote FOR Amendments III, X and XI, and AGAINST all other amendments.
Lionel Morel
EU Councilor for Leagio -
Voting on amendments has ended. Please make any objections to the amendment count known.
Amendment Votes For Votes Against Passed or failed? I 5 5 FAILED II 2 5 FAILED III 8 2 PASSED IV 4 5 FAILED V 1 6 FAILED VI 2 4 FAILED VII 3 4 FAILED VIII 2 6 FAILED IX 1 7 FAILED X 4 5 FAILED XI 3 6 FAILED XII 1 5 FAILED XIII 1 6 FAILED XIV 1 6 FAILED XV 1 7 FAILED XVI 2 5 FAILED XVII 2 5 FAILED XVIII 2 4 FAILED XIX 2 5 FAILED Final voting begins NOW and will continue until 17:00 GMT on 15 May 2022.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker and Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen -
On Behalf of United Duchies I vote FOR this act
James Mizrachi-Roscoe, Councillor for United Duchies -
The State of Elthize votes AGAINST this act.
Liam Zachary, Councillor for Elthize
On behalf of the Union of Duxburian Dominions, I vote AGAINST the act.
Wesley Greene
Councillor of the Duxburian Union -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote AGAINST this act.
Donald Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
On behalf of the Republic of Nofoaga, I vote AGAINST this act.
Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare
EU-Councillor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
On behalf of the Republic of Brickston, I vote FOR this act.
Okonkwo Cyryl Lavoie
President of Brickston -
On behalf of the Federal Republic of Yosai, I vote FOR this act.
Izumi Miwako
Councillor for the Federal Republic of Yosai -
The Empire of Inimicus votes AGAINST this Act.
Nicholas Benfield
Deputy Speaker -
On behalf of the United Principalities of Ineland I vote FOR this act.
Charles Évere-Dancourt
Councillor for Ineland -
On behalf of the United Kingdom, I vote FOR this act.
Amanda Milling
Councillor for the United Kingdom -
On behalf of the Commonwealth of Leagio, I vote AGAINST this act.
Lionel Morel
EU Councilor for Leagio -
With five votes for and six votes against, this act has FAILED.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker and Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen