European Heads of Government / State Meeting - Europolis, 6th July 2020
Juncker stood up, took his notes and started his speech. It was obvious that some didn't like him, like Mr. Isla, and others hated him like Simon because Winston lost against him. "How sad it is to be angry for that, isn't it?" He thought.
"Thank you everyone for yout thoughts. I'm very pleased to see mostly everyone has made a speech. Now, I'm going to answer everyone of you and after that, we will move on to the 2nd matter.
Mr. Bridges, you say you were having at least some respect towards me, but seconds later, you call me a power-hungry person and also, you laugh at my face. I think that you have a kind of different meaning of what respect is. The term legthen would be, as I said, for the next one if I get elected. As far as I know, Reitzmag does not decide anything in how many times I can run or if I'm getting elected or not. So please, let's not anticipate what is happening on the future. About the building, obviously it takes more than 6 months to build it, so it's completely silly to think it will be completed before the term ends. And again, I would like to insist on something: You are not going to decide when I run for Internal Affairs, when I do not, when I do this and when I don't. I know you would like Atty. Winston to be in my seat, but Europe didn't trust him. My reccomendation it's to start respecting the results.
Secondly, I'm going to answer the Spanish, Leagioan and Czech Presidents. I would like to thank you 3 for your support to those proposals. About the building, it would look like this:"
"The building would be located here, in Europolis, and there would be a bidding competition in which the Internal Affairs Commission will choose 3 enterprises to build the new European Union's building. Every nation will be allowed to take part on that bid, and I'm very pleased to see that the Leagioan President has said some enterprises from his country are alredy interested.
Moving on, we have Arch-konsul Nylund. Firstly I would like to thank you for your support to these proposals I've brought. I would specifically talk about security in that new building. If we get to build it, we will be looking for enterprises that guarantee a better security for it, as also to allow the building to be ecologically sustainable. As I said in my campaign, Climate Change it's one of my worries, and making the building to be ecologically sustainable it's a must do. The building will also allow to relocate new agencies that depend of the Internal Affairs Commission, and I would like to thank you for that idea.
Moving on, I would like to answer Mr. Isla and Mr. Maximillian together, as their speeches have been quite similar. Firstly Mr. Isla, I would like to see some respect from you towards me. I didn't laugh at you when you were giving your speech, and if we don't guarantee respect here, I think we would have to look closely on what it's happening with some here. Anyway, you both are opposed to extending the term to 6 months, 2 months less than the External Affairs Commissioner. As also Mikaela and Katrin are against, I would like to explain why; This is not only for doing more things during your term, but also it would benefit member-states. Also Mr. Isla, I think you have exaggerated quite a lot. If we expand the terms, the 2 terms limit would apply to me and Mrs. Whiteford, so no worries. I know Mr. Isla that you don't like anyone that is not called Dragan and his surname it's Trympov, and Mr. Maximillian does not like to pay for buildings that would benefit all of us. About the app, new ads would be set as a new update is being introduced late this month.
Finally, I would like to thank Inimicous and Eastern Haane, along with Inquista for supporting the building project."
Juncker stopped, drank water and went on again:
"And now we move on to point number 2, which is Diplomacy and Tensions, in which I have incluided the proposals of discussing the Spanish-Reitzmic feud and the Icholasen's Comunnist coup. Before getting into that, I would like to say that we have been living lots of tensions and lack of diplomacy in the European Union. Nofoagan and Eastern Haane's crisis, along with the Icholasen's coup and diplomatic tensions between some countries are just a bit of what we have been able to see. I, once again, offer my mediation for any conflict and I would like to say that my office is open and I will welcome anyone that knocks the door of it.
The Spanish-Reitzmic diplomatic problem is something that we need to look closely. I think that we can compare it to 2 siblings that can't get along. All started with the kidnap of Bernie Sanders, to which some countries of Europe reacted with sanctions. Most of them have been lifted, but Spanish sanctions still remain. This seems to be fair, as every country can choose how long do they extend their sanctions or not. I would like to say that Reitzmag allowed me to campaign in Copala City, decission which I'm very pleased with. Sadly, "bribing" companies to retire from Spain, and getting your European Councillor to say Spain invaded Reitzmag's sovereignty it's out of place. Spain could have also done some things better. For example, we see constant reproaches from their EU Councillor, and I still pray for not having a fight in the middle of the EU Council. Mennrimiak seems to have joined this feud after the announcement of the bribes from you, Simon. No one here has acted perfectly, you 3 have to do better if we want to fix this. And I hope you can try to solve things here now
And now, I'm moving on to the Icholasen's coup. I would like to say that I'm open to negociate with the UNSR their retirement from occuping the land of Icholasen. It's also sad that a nation that condemned the coup recognised the illegal Communist regime. If negociation does not work, I think that we would need to search for a plan that does not invlove war. I would like to hear Koronaju's opinion about this matter, as it worries me. Icholasen's weapons are for sure in their hands, and in their arsenal they have nukes. It's very dangerous, but together we will be able to turn Icholasen back to normal."
Simon was very displeased to hear how Juncker's statements began to lean towards giving more support to the Spanish side. As he spoke, Simon began to be frustrated since Juncker did not understand what he said. So he explained:
"Ok Mr. Juncker, I think you did not understand what I meant by my recent statement. First of all, if you apply your proposal for the next term and you will win, this would give you a 3rd term (but this time with the new term length). And all-in-all, if you will win your third term, you would in total have 16 years!? Mr. Juncker if you mind, I do have respect for you which is why I advised you to not do that as it would make you look power-hungry."
"And now, about the building. First of all, I want you Mr. Juncker to know that you are going to use budgets from our countries in the construction of that building you are proposing. And I am telling you right now with all due respect that I am not going to spend Reitzmag's contributions to the EU Budget for such a, hopefully not, overpriced building"
"Moving on, you mentioned the diplomatic tensions around Europe. And I applaud you for taking a keen interest in the Hispano-Reitzmic Diplomatic Conflict. But, I am very displeased how you address this. Your current tonality is showing that you are supporting the Spanish team. Now, how could I ensure that there would be a fair decision if you Mr. Juncker are not being neutral?"
"Finally, you also mentioned me paying to different Reitzmic companies to pull-out from Spain. First of all, I'd like to explain this. The Spanish government had been pretending for a long time that no one in Spain buys Reitzmic products. So, I am very sure that you heard Mr. Dastis' press statement. Second of all, these companies have no choice as they are not gaining revenue from their branches in Spain. Which is a plus factor of which forced the to also retire from Spain. But in total, I'd like to hear more from my fellow European leaders here. Thank you."
The Bridges sat down and sighs as he seated. Then he drank a glass of water and said to himself.
"Maybe Mr. Juncker just did not understand what I was saying. I wonder how this man became the IAC even if he can't understand English."
Lifejumper mentally shook his head as he felt bad for the Commissioner in the madness that he has to deal with inside the room. He would rather go back to being Governor-General and deal with the calmer Senate within the National Congress. He is glad to not be registered within the EDLR at this point. He swears that the National Congress in Tullion is more mature than most of the people in this room.
"First, I would like to say Commissioner Juncker that i am in favor of the building design. If the Prime Minister of Reitzmag is concerned about the size of the costs for the project, i would like for him to understand that is the reason for a bidding competition. To see how low a company is willing to spend on the construction and make the final cost to the client as cheap and in case of the building as structurally sound as possible. Now, on the issue on the Reitzmag-Spanish, the Commonwealth of Leagio has determined to remain neutral and impartial on the issue as we understand the viewpoints of the two nations. I hope that maybe that the tensions between the two nations can be able to come to some sort of understanding or solution with each other. "
The President of Leagio takes sip out of his glass of water and continues to speak.
"On the issue of Icholasen and the UNSR, the Commonwealth as not announced a formal opinion on the issue as this came before our acceptance within the EU community. But i have already signed an executive order preventing any trade between UNSR and the Commonwealth until the Common Government of Leagio decides on a opinion. According to recent Leagioan national polls, 84% of the country (with a 2.7% margin of error) is concerned about the aftermath of the coup that happened in Icholasen. The rest of the country is not concerned or have not formed an opinion. But you need to understand that according to some letters that read from my fellow Leagioans, they want the government not to recognize the goverment of the UNSR and accept Free Icholasen as the legimate government."
"Now, i understand why you would like to avoid using a plan that involves warfare. However, as much as i hate to say it, that may be an option depending on what the UNSR does as the days and weeks go by. But at this moment, i am in favor of any plan that does not bring about war. In speaking of that, one of the things that we could do is find some way to connect to the people that live within the island nation occupied by an illegitimate government. Tell those people that are suffering under that false government to be strong and do what is right for them to stand up against their occuipiers. If we can find a way to avoid having to have blood on our hands and result in a mass protest within the UNSR then it could be possible that it could collapse against its own people. However, i think that we should hear what the other members of this meeting think before any agreement on what to do is made."
Juncker, from his seat, nodded to Lifejumper as he smiled to him. Suddenly, he stood up for a short speech:
"Mr. Bridges, you have refeared to the External Affairs Minister of Spain, Mr. Dastis. First of all, there's no free trade agreement between both countries, so they can allow Reitzmic products or not, they are on their right, as you could deny Spanish products, but I highly doubt Spain sends products to Reitzmag, anyway we have the Spanish President here, so you can ask him about that. Those branches you have mentioned were cooled down with this agreement, or that's what I do understand by "Any assets originating from the United Reichs of Reitzmag in the Kingdom of Spain will be frozen immediately." or "Spain is also not allowing any Reitzmatic enterprise to export their products to Spain." Paying these companies for their retirement is bribing, even if they are not getting any benefit.
Again, I'm not sided with the Hispanic or Reitzmic side. I think no one really is on this room except you and Mr. Aguilar. We, the others, are completely neutral. This problem came after your country kidnapped a Foreign Affairs Minister, and great progress has been made on moving forward, which I would like to applaud. But, bribing companies is not the best way to solve this, as Spain has done things bad like criticizing a TV programme for saying bad things about them, for example. No one in this conflict is perfect, you both has made mistakes and if you think I'm sided, then I would like to ask you the following question: Why didn't I submit a motion to sanction you when I first arrived into my office? Mr. Bridges, I must insist on this: No one is against your country, absolutely no one."
"I have, like, really been concerned with all these recent tensions in Europe. You guys, we're all supposed to be friends! Inquista would like to see a harmonious relationship between all the EU member states. Inquista, which has never sanctioned Reitzmag, considers itself an ally of the country and we would like to see Reitzmag properly integrated into the rest of the European community. Likewise, we would like to see the Reitzmic government, all of its officials, as well as their citizens, cease their particular obsessive disdain for Commissioner Juncker and his home state. Prime Minister Bridget, you ought to apologize to the Commissioner for your very, very rude language!
Recent events in Nofoaga have also, like, created some tensions. I believe that while we should all keep a careful eye on the developments of the country, that we should also show our support and solidarity to our fellow EU member state by encouraging its democratic development. As the country is still very dangerous, I understand that there may be some travel bans or advisories to Nofoaga, but I encourage all states to lift any sanctions off the country if they have them in place. I don't think these are very nice or helpful for its democratic development!
Instead of focusing on feuding or fighting between our fellow member states, we should be looking to take care of each other, particularly in the face of any terrible coups or invasions that could happen. I have to say, I am very, very disappointed in some of you guys! Icholasen, which has had its legitimate and rightful government forced into exile, is now under a banner known as "Free Icholasen". Although, this is a bit of silly name, since Free Icholasen is Icholasen, and there is no other legitmate government of Icholasen. Free Icholasen is a member of the European Union, as per the Condemnation of Icholasen passed in the European Council. Whatever communist government that exists in Icholasen, currently, is not a member of the EU. It is like, very, very gross that some of you guys have recognised the communist bullies and their government, but not Free Icholasen and the rightful government. The EU is setting a terrible precedent, so I believe we should set a better one, with no tolerance for any shenanigans.
I propose a complete embargo on the island of Icholasen until it has restored its rightful democratic government. No goods or services shall be allowed to be imported or exported from the island. Furthermore, we should also restrict all travel to the island, only allowing people to travel from the island, but not to it. We need to completely isolate the communists as much as possible, while supporting our fellow EU member state, Free Icholasen, as much as possible. This embargo shall be put into place using air and naval power, which should surround the island.
I really, really don't like having to do any mean things, so I will leave that up to my dear friend, Edward Firoux, who will organize punishments for those who have broken the Council's condemnation of Icholasen, as well at those who disobey any embargo that may be set up in the near future. If states wish to engage with a rogue entity which has viciously attacked a fellow EU member state, then I don't see why a complete ejection from the EU shouldn't be a possible punishment. If you want to engage with an enemy of the European Union, who has attacked a fellow EU member state, then I don't believe that your membership of the EU is valid. A foreign entity's attack against one of us is an attack on all of us, period."
Samantha Terrace stood up to speak. She had loved the display of callous foolishness, it made her own government that had failed in its fundamental role of keeping the country safe look normal. 'I totally agree with the Archbishop. She is so so woke. I think since the current act does not go far enough, it is time to initiate a full embargo against the UNSR. They will be crushed under the economic weight of the embargo, military expansion, and the inefficiency of communism. Then, they will collapse under their own weight, just as they did in 1990.I understand there are concerns about the procurement of Rare Earth Metals, as Icholasen is one of the countries the most rich in Europe of this substance. But, we must not lay down to pressure from violent people just for a material. Their oil, coal and natural gas is also significant, but as we move to a greener world maybe this embargo is the right thing to do morally and environmentally. We simply must put an end to the corrupt, authoritarian and frankly dangerous regime in Icholasen. We must give up our short term need for materials, for our long term need for not being nuked. I'd also like to add that the cost of an embargo would also be less than the cost of being nuked whenever Chairman Jirluchuz doesn't get his fix of pizza hut.
But finally, I'd like to thank all members of the European Union for their continued support of Free Icholasen over the so-called UNSR. The Condemnation of the Coup in Icholasen Act is so important, and I am looking forward to working with the Council to strengthen it to include a mandatory embargo of the UNSR. Thank you, fellow leaders for your time. I hope we can all agree that the UNSR = fake and also - and this is crucial - gay.
Katrin Weber, trembling with anger, stood to speak.
"I condemn Acting Korojaunu Terrace for her homophobic language. It has no place here. What she has done; what she has said; has only contributed to the terrible hatred that wishes to exterminate all homosexuals." She took a pause. "However, we must not allow the vanguardist hellhole that is Icholasen under the UNSR continue existing without repercussions. Personally, I wish for a republic, not the continuation of the old monarchy, but that is neither here nor there. I do not wish for any member state, however, to be punished, beyond, perhaps, a case in the ECoJ and an order to stop recognizing the dictatorial UNSR.
The Nofoagan tensions, I feel, are over. In Eastern Haane, however, we seem to facing trouble after trouble, largely to do with national self-determination. Amongst ourselves, we are continually arguing over who belongs in which group, how much power said groups should have, etcetera, etcetera. These groups are important for the preservation of languages and cultures endangered in much of Europe; they cannot be abolished. Yet it is because of them that we are collapsing into violence. I thank you, Commissioner, for your offer to mediate. It is your job, I know, but I still feel as though it is very kind.
Finally, I feel as though the Reitzmo-Hispanic tensions make entirely no sense. They began, it seems, when Commissioner Juncker won against Atty. Winston in the Internal Affairs election, initiated by Reitzmag, for the most part. The entire thing is the pettiest thing I have ever seen in all my years of politics. All I would advise is mediation; perhaps by an external body as the Reitzmic government does not seem to like Commissioner Juncker; mediation that will eventually lead to rapprochement."
Aguilar stood up. He seemed kind of disturbed with those fake accusation from Simon Bridges to Jean-Claude Juncker. He knew that Reitzmag hated him, Bridges hated him, but this was just crossing the red line you can't cross. Then, he started to talk:
"First of all I would like to thank Commissioner Juncker for giving the answer to the questions I have made to him, and I'm taking note of every answer he has given. I would like to offer Spain to help on the development of the app, such as Ms. Klienberg did.
I would like to start talking about the UNSR. I fully support the proposed embargo on the Union of Nicoleizian Socialist Republics, which Spain has not recognised and actually imposed sanctions on. Forgiving basic products or video-games that their leader or politicians don't like is completely stupid and I'm sure Icholasen will soon take their land back, and Spain is always wishing to help one of the nations we consider as allies. We are very concerned about UNSR acts and every day that goes away is one more day Nicoleizians suffer the effects of the very damaging Government from the UNSR.
Moving on to Nofoaga, the Kingdom of Spain, as you may now, is incharge of the Defence of the Republic Nofoaga. It's sad that we don't have the Nofoagan Government here, because they could give us much more details than we actually have here. Spain is also sending observers for the elections following Leagio as we have a very strong compromise with democracy.
And finally, I'm getting into the Hispanic-Reitzmag tensions, which I'm affected by. Firstly Mr. Bridges, I think that attacking the Internal Affairs Commissioner because you don't see him as a 'neutral person' when one of the IAC values is neutrality, it's pointless. But we all know that when Atty. Winston lost, you just started to say 'Spain is bad'. But, I've been checking your agenda to see what did you do to stop this: Bribing companies, but legally, because bribing is legal in Reitzmag, getting your European Councillor to open a discussion because I was supossed to have violated your sovereignty, but I gave my opinion on the Reitzmic Councillor Elections that took place in 4 days, and finally, and this is very funny, saying that Spanish Language is an insult to the Reitzmic languages, which I am learning just for your information. Moreover, you don't like sanctions to being imposed on Reitzmag, and as we all know, the Government uses the ELDR to kind of force other nations to cut ties with Spain, such as Mennrimiak, who suspiciously announced a boicot, then their President fell ill, and sent their councillor to threaten the IAC Commissioner. I believe this are only Mennrimiak individual actions, and I hope is not what I'm also thinking on. Obviously Spain is not perfect, we could have done better to avoid this. But I would like to see the same not only from George I, who by the way recognised UNSR, but from your cabinet. I'm always open to negotiate, to talk. Always, and I want to make it very clear. Sadly, Ms. Klienberg, not everyone can get along, but I think that every action can be reversed in diplomacy."
"I can't believe what I am hearing" Černá stood up. "Mr. commissioner you told me during our summit in Prague, that uprisings that have taken place before you were elected to this positions would not be discussed further on these meetings and that only a recommendation of free elections would be issued. I would like to add that free elections in UNSR already took place and right after comrade Kohout returns from his holiday house in Fremet, where I am sure he is working tirelessly, he will request the council to repeal the condemnation of coup in Icholasen... again. I'm asking you, Mr. commissioner to keep the promise you have given me and stop the discussion on this topic."
"However since my counterparts already made their comments I am forced to comment myself. Forcing every country to an embargo against UNSR would be another aggressive move against national sovereignty and a move towards eurocracy! And that would certainly cause an backlash among the populace. Not to say that forcing countries to embargo UNSR would leave in loose of profits and could lead to a rise of unemployment. And what would the consequences be for people living in Icholasen? Does Korojaunu Terrace really wish to inflict suffering upon the people living there? I think that that would be in fact, may Ms. Weber please excuse my language, even more gay. This embargo should not be mandatory for the member states of the EU. Now I am of course not saying that any sovereign country should be forbidden from declaring an embargo on the UNSR. After all I am sure that a trading partner for Rare Earth Metal for all the countries that would decide to declare embargo on UNSR would be found.... ehm somewhere."
"Now let me speak about the issues of unrest in Nofoaga, Hispanic-Reitzmag tensions and unrest in Eastern-Haane. I think that the European Union should not meddle in the affairs of its member states unless it is directly requested by that member state. I have full confidence that Nofoaga with the invited help from Spain will be able to solve their issues, and I have the same confidence that Spain and Reitzmag will peacefully resolve their conflict, which will allow for further cooperation between the two countries. And once again, I have the full confidence that Eastern Haane will solve their issues with the help of commissioner Juncker who I would like to wish luck to. Thank you that is all."
Emryc had sort of zoned out. He didn't understand half of these conflicts, and he was damned if anyone was going to change that. What did loom on his mind was the coup in Neo-Venetia in March. Many people had expected that situation would have developed over the last few months, much like the vacant Papacy, or the war in Dromund Kaas, or Emryc's extremely fragile minority government. For some reason, all of those issues hadn't drawn any closer to being resolved for months. Weird. But Emryc was determined to make sure nobody else interfered in either Neo-Venetia or Dromund Kaas in the meantime. He snapped out of his daydreaming and started to blag.
"Angleter is consistent in its rejection of coups and instability. We respect the Council's declaration that, in essence, the exiled government of Icholasen is a member of the EU, and the Communist regime currently occupying the country is not; moreover, we have no plans to recognise the Communist regime at this time. We would urge both sides in the dispute, and in all disputes, to engage in diplomatic talks towards a peaceful reconciliation where possible."
"That said, we also need to be realistic. Ultimately, my government owes it to the Angleteric people not to maintain permanent fictions, and the EU cannot be reduced to a collection of governments in exile. Obviously, we believe a pan-European embargo against Communist-ruled Icholasen would be a massive overreach of the EU's power into our sovereign trade policy. I know this makes half of you roll your eyes, but it's important to the people I serve, and maybe it's important to some of the people you serve too. And the so-called government of Inquista talking about rightful democratic governments, I mean, bloody hell."
"In all conflicts and disputes, Angleter will support stability, realism, and dialogue. We will not involve ourselves unnecessarily where it doesn't affect us. And we will always be guided, first and foremost, by our national interest."
"And I don't support Dragan Trympov, my country didn't cast a vote in the Commission elections, and there's no Angleteric party or councillor in his organisation, so Jean-Claude, I'll have you take that back, thanks. Perhaps you have me confused with Drake Bell. Show some respect!"
Kristian audibly sighed to the point they were concerned that it may have been picked up by the microphones. The topic on the Reitzmic-Spanish dispute was old and tired, much like Korojaunu Terrace's remarks. They much preferred Whiteford.
"I understand the intent of some nations in proposals for a stricter embargo and sanctions upon the claimant government that currently exists upon the island of Icholasen. To me however, any stricter set of sanctions or embargo will only seek to hurt the local populace instead of the group or specific individuals who have caused this terrible situation. The current set of regulations imposed by the European Council governing sanctions on arms and luxury goods is far more than enough for now.
Prime Minister Emryc is correct in that diplomatic talks to a peaceful resolution must be the preferred way going forward, we also need to ensure the continuation of the pre-coup government of Icholasen as the legitimate sovereign authority. The legitimacy of a state relies on its respect for the democratic process, both in law and in how it attempts to influence the law.
I much like many of the other leaders here voice my disdain for the Reitzmic-Spanish dispute. I am far more apathetic however at this point over it. Both sides have stated multiple times their intention to forge a peaceful solution, and both sides albeit some more than others then spin around and do the opposite. Oftentimes as a form of paranoia over the other and potential successes they might obtain.
Commissioner Juncker is right in that it is effectively two siblings arguing, in that way of thinking think of me as the patron of a restruant at the next table over, I just want the two children to frankly be quiet. At this point nothing is going to change, and its likely to get exacerbated as we move into commission elections once again, no doubt the Winston campaign wheel is spinning in the background. Frankly the paranoid and egotisical nature of both parties is abhorrent and I personally wish nothing to do with it.
But I am a person with morals, and I have to defend those in principle who deserve it when and where. I condemn the near systemic paradoxical disdain most Reitzmic people have for Commissioner Juncker which seems to only exist for the fact that they fairly won an election. I also condemn the Spanish government for the length of their sanctions, and have made communications to them about reducing them in the past. Their reasons are sovereign and should respected even if you can not condone the action. My partner Amir who follows Archbishop Kligenberg on twitter quoted this tweet to me the other day, 'I literally can't vibe with this toxicity'.
Onto more well...actual issues....the situation in Eastern Haane and Nofoaga are examples of where the EU must keep an eye out on developing situations. I am for one glad the initially tenuous situations in both nations have devolved from states of near civil violence to more politically focused issues based on dialogue. I hope both nations are able to maintain their states of peace to the best of their abilities. Most importantly, the voice of the people must be respected in both cases."
Lifejumper listened to the points that these leaders had issued in this meeting. Some of them were ones that pleased or were something that the President of Leagio agreed with. There were some that he respectively disagreed through. He quickly signed the bill recently sent to him from the National Congress over the Banning of Conversion Therapy and closed the Presidential Folder as he stood up. He decided to present another speech on what he thought on the USNR.
"I understand why the leaders of the nations of the European Union wish not to implement a full embargo on the people of Icholasen. A full embargo would possibly do more harm than good, Another harmful effect that could come from action would be Anti-EU sentiment within the island nation, where instead of the fall of the illegitimate government that resides there; suddenly, the community could find something worse spewing up like a genocidal fascist government that wants to conquer the EU without any regards to what the other governments within the community is like. If any heavy embargos is imposed that could cripple the UNSR, it must be done wisely and humanely. However, some sort of action must be done or as Head of State of Angleter mentioned Europe could 'be reduced to a collection of governments in exile.' Whether this action is done through negotiation does not matter as we attempt to contain what could be appropriately called Aggressive Communism (where communism should be spread through the globe even if the people of other regions do not want it within their lands and have no regards to what say they have)."
"Now, focusing on the issue of Nofoaga. As the President of Spain mentioned, both his and my government will be sending observers to monitor the elections as well as the political system of the new nation within the EU. A report from Leagioan observers, called CRNPO, will be submitted that will become public for everyone to see. I do not know what procedures that the Spanish government will be following with their observers, but it impresses me to know that both Leagio and Spain have common goals in this matter. In terms of the matter with Eastern Haane, the Commonwealth has yet to form an opinion on it yet as we wish to observer to see if it even requires a diplomatic action from the Commonwealth."
Juncker looked at everyone, took his notes and stood up to talk. This was a though matter, and he knew it wouldn't be easy. But finally, the discussion over point 2 was ending. He finally started:
"In this speech I will divide my answers in all the diplomatic tensions, coups and uprises. I will first talk about the UNSR. Firstly, I would like to say that even if the coup is alredy finished, technically isn't. There are still some dissidents that have formed a guerrilla and some fights are taking place. Everyone here might have their opinions, but I think we have to get a common way. What I have been able to see today is that many disagree on the embargo proposal, but I think no one disagrees on talking with them. My proposal is clear: Diplomacy, Diplomacy, Diplomacy and again, Diplomacy. It's been prooved that wars just let thousands of deaths, families suffering and also, a divided society. Do we really want that in Icholasen? Korojaunu, I think we must work towards negociating with them to get Icholasen back to its land. Dialogue, as Mr, Isla and Mr. Nylund said, is what we need, Finally, we agree on something Emryc.
Moving on now to the Eastern Haane tensions. Katrin, you are having my hel to negotiate between those groups, as you said it's my work, but also it's my responsability to protect European Nations stability. Meanwhile I set the peace talks, I would like to hear that Eastern Haane's government won't be entering in war with them. Having a war would be a huge mistake if we want this to be over. But I think 25th July could be a good day to start.
Moving on to Nofoaga, I'm very happy to see that Leagio and Spain are sending international observers to their elections. This will make the elections trustworthy and also, the Spanish Army presence on Nofoaga could be a great tool to help Nofoaga recover and negotiate between those groups. I will be keeping an eye in those elections, as I would like to see how they develop and also, seeing they are free elections
And finally, we are moving to the Hispano-Reitzmic feud that also affects me, because it seems that because I won an election fairly, and I'm Spanish, I kind of have to be hated by those supporters of my old rival, but also someone I consider a friend who is Atty. Winston. However, I see we are going nowhere with the current situation, and my mediation is needed. I will talk with both, Mr. Bridges and Mr. Aguilar to set peace talks anywhere in Europe to end this.
And now, we are moving to climate change and Industrial Activities. I'm very concerned about this topic, and I'll tell you why. Every single generation that has existed in our planet has left it by letting it more or less as they found it. But suddenly, this is not happening anymore. Pollution, plastics on the sea, bad-quality water treatment and not advancing towards eco-friendly energy sources such as the wind, water or the sun, it's 'killing' our planet. We need the cooperation of every single European Union nation to stop Climate Change. We are still on time to change the future of our planet. I would like to switch the Europolis' buildings energy sources to solar energy. I would also like to set up a Climate Change Summit somewhere in Europe to negotiate an agreement to stop climate change. I would also like to see some extra-funds to those that are wishing to buy an eco-friendly car, for example. I would add the Eurostar thing here, but that requires some work I'm revealing later, as also is technically impossible. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hear your proposals. Thank you for listening to me one more time."
Simon was very happy to hear about the mediation and the climate action proposals.
"Thank you for those wonderful words Mr. Juncker. I appreciate to see your actions in handling this conflict. And, I'd like to remind everyone that Reitzmag is continually doing its part in the Nicolezian communist crisis. We have agreed with them during the last RASE about a temporarily leased territory."
"Now, moving on to the Industrial Activities. You have mentioned about solar energy and eco-friendly cars. I'd like to say that Reitzmag is home to the largest electric car industry in Europe and maybe the world too. And I'd like to invite everyone to switch to this new mode of transportation. Moving forward, you have also mentioned the Eurostar. And I'd like to remind to you Mr. Juncker that this project was very controversial. Especially because the Reitzmic government claims ownership of this idea. This was first brought up when the European councilors from Spain and Reitzmag met and discussed a wonderful proposal. This was first publicized when the Treaty of Victoria was shown in public at which Coun. Tusk went to Reitzmag to sign it, and this was before the communist uprising happened. Of course, as the current Prime Minister of Reitzmag, I would just advice Mr. Juncker to credit Coun. van Allen and Coun. Tusk in the creation of this idea if he wishes to prevent any further conflict. All in all, I support these proposals of Mr. Juncker. Thank you very much!"
Then Simon sat down with a smile looking at Mr. Juncker and opened his briefcase to get his favorite snack.
Lifejumper nodded after listening to Bridges and decided to speak again.
"The Commonwealth of Leagio would be willing to move on a path of a eco-friendly environment. However, Commissioner Juncker, the problem that solar power is deeply expensive, especially to supply power to the Eastern Territories within the Commonwealth. Unlike many other nations, Leagio does not have many options in what types of power it can use at this point. It is impossible to use Hydroelectric power as there is only one river in the whole Commonwealth. We stuck to using coal, oil, and limited on solar. We have hardly gotten any investors willing to fund the construction of solar panels in the eastern parts of the Commonwealth, who badly need power every day of the week. "
"The Commonwealth does have Nuclear Material that we mine and sell to nations that are allowed to have it. There has been some talk but some members within the Leagioan National Congress to fund the construction of nuclear plants to provide lots of power to the Commonwealth. Although, I have sent my concerns about the construction of those plants and the needed safety requirements that need to be established for them. "
"On the issue of Electic-cars, unfortunately, Leagio does not have a strong automobile production at this point to do what the Kingdom of Reitzmag has done in being able to produce them. However, we can attempt to import Reitzmag's electric cars and make plans for next fiscal year to support car industries within the Commonwealth to make our own version of electric-cars. But on switching Europolis buildings to solar would be something that the Commonwealth would support be i would like to an estimated projection of the total cost of such a move; especially with the plan to building a new building for the EU to be run properly."
Aguilar stood up and started to talk:
"Spain has a strong compromise ith Climate Change, and we think as the Commissioner does. We really need to save our planet, and we will if we all join together into a common point where we act together. I think that if the Premier Commissioner grants a bufget soon, we will be able to start this as soon as possible. Spain, as you all know, has invested in solar energy and wind energy, and its enterprises like Iberdrola have the resources to grant those windmills in other countries. As far as this is accomplished, and we all agree in the matter of saving our planet, Spain will be happy with it."
After Aguilar made his speech, he stood up. Not many gave their opinion on this point, which meant that they didn't have a former opinion on that, He started to talk:
"Thank you for your words Mr. Bridges, Mr. Lifejumper and Mr. Aguilar. I'm really happy to see that we all agree on this, even a huge majority didn't take the word to tell us their opinions. About the Eurostar, the project it's completely different, so no need to credit someone or something, like for example an Institution. The old project was predestinated to fail. The Eurostar projectwould work as this:
- Phase 1 would consist on analyzing the resources of every nation about public transport, specially focusing on trains, as it's the main matter. Once we have recieved all of that information, we would go to Phase 2.
- Phase 2. That one would consist on start seeing which routes are suitable to start between nations, building with the governments, specially the Ministry of Transport of each country the necessary infrastructures to have an Eurostar service while the enterprise, that would be a mix between public and private, would start buying the trains.
- Then, we move towards phase 3, when the first services between nations would start. Our purpose is to start the services between nations closer to each other.
- Phase 4 would be hard to achieve, because benefits should be done before moving towards this one. In phase 4, the major infrastructures projects would start, like tunnels under the seas or bridges over them.
- And finally, phase 5, completion and starting the services between the whole EU, granting the Europeans a safe, confortable travel between European nations."
Juncker drank a bit of water and then continued his speech:
"Moving on to Leagio, if we want everyone to sum up to the project, we will have to fund those countries that need some extar-budget for that. Maybe removing coal and oil and expanding solar energy and wind energy in Leagio could be what you'll need. If you wish to, I will travel to Leagio to know more about the country itself and their resources. Those that also want a meeting wih me can request it in my office.
And now, we move on to Free Movement and Trade. I would like to know the opinions of the European member-states toward this point. The Free Trade and Movement would be an advantage for turism purposes, but also business. Maybe it has not worked in the past, but that doesn't mean it could not work now. For this we would obviously need everyone. If someone opposes forever and ever, it will be technically impossible, so I would like to hear everyone's opinion into this. Thank you."
OCC: Deadline ends 22nd July 12:30 CEST / 11:30 BST / 10:30 GMT
Archambault finally stood up after what it felt like a century.
"If we're done talking about petty conflicts, I shall start."
"Let's start with the obvious: An independent member state should have control of its borders. Though the idea of free travel across all countries sounds rather delightful, they can be, at times, dangerous. Our neighbours aren't the most stable. Removing visas and paperwork while crossing borders are fine, as the previous administration of Malborya has done a free movement agreement with Spain a while back, which I do not have any problems with:
1A - Spanish citizens can visit The Malboryan Republic visa-free up to 45 days for tourism purposes.
Spanish citizens can request a visa if they want to stay in Malborya for extended periods, though no longer than 120 days per year.
1B - Malboryan citizens can visit Spain visa-free up to 30 days for tourism purposes.
Malboryan citizens can request a visa if they want to stay in Spain for extended periods, though no longer than 160 days per year.
However, I believe member states must have the right to close down borders to any member state, given extraordinary circumstances, such as conflict, war, pandemic and so on."
"Moving on to another topic, the use of renewable energy in the automotive industry. I believe that The Malboryan Republic is not good enough in this regard, due to negligence by previous administrations. As climate change becomes a more serious issue day after day, I feel like it's about time for me to lead Malborya to become more eco-friendly. Not just on the automotive industry, but in every aspect possible."
Emryc Isla adjusted his microphone
"Er, yeah, put me down as opposing forever and ever. Thanks."
"We wouldn't be opposed, that said, to an EU law that implemented a certain set of baselines for international trade and perhaps provided the ECoJ, or another institution, with the power to resolve trade disputes."
"I agree with Prime Minister Arch... Archam.. Archambolt? As sovereign states, we like, totally have control over our respective borders. Inquista institutes free travel between states that Inquista considers both safe and trustworthy. This is something I'd rather negotiate unilaterally, rather than multilaterally here. I will say though, that Inquista will never restrict or block travel to any member state unless it's like, extremely bad and a total mess. The only place where Inquista currently has travel restrictions to is the island of Icholasen.
I am very fond of Prime Minister Isla's proposal for some baseline rules on international trade. Inquista would support the creation of such an institution."
Aguilar saw how free movement in the European Union was highly impossible, but not free trade. He then started to talk:
"Firstly the Eurostar project has been very controversial. Sadly for Mr. Bridges, the old one is Spanish, but this one is completely different, or that's what Mr. Juncker said. We really need to start looking at what we have to do and stop looking at what we could do. It would make the European Union much more efficent.
About free movement, I would like to see it but it's mostly impossible, which means that agreements between nations will be the way to get those agreements. With the Free Movement, Spain wouldn't have been able to close its borders to certain people, but we would have to ask Europolis for permission and have a common answer. That's why keeping the current status would be the favourite choice.
Finally, I support the institution idea for the International Free Trade. I would also propose to have more talks like this in which we debate the baselines Mr. Isla said time ago. If we all cooperated towards this, we could get for sure a good agreement for every single country. But again, cooperation it's needed, and not everyone is open to that."