2 Aug 2020, 02:06

Yes, I can. The situation remains stagnant. The country remains divided half and half between the People's Confederation and the cantons. While discussion is ongoing between the two sides, it is unlikely that hardliners will stand down, so to speak.

The State of Haane-Keste is now opposed to both sides due to a perceived inability to protect national self-determination. What will come out of this is unknown; but given the tendencies of its leaders, especially Presiding Citizen Iuliha Teimasenvou, it will certainly not be good.

In terms of the second political division I mentioned, nothing at all has happened, likely due to the current tense state. As far as I have heard, while there is no real danger, people don't want to attend public events anymore, largely due to the tensions and the Calais bombings.

The threat of military buildup continues to exist. The State Elder of the combined cantons has already stated her intent to make Eastern Haane a nuclear state. We are in no economic or political state for this to happen soon; but the intent is worrying, to me. At the same time, she wishes to found a 'National Movement' meant to modernize Eastern Haane, which dangerously borders on being fascistic, in my view. Given the outlook of many of us in the country, this will meet opposition, creating yet another political division.

Finally, political division and extremism within cantons is a very real issue. While right now, in the face of division, it appears that those on both sides are united within themselves, they are not. More parliamentarian cantons will be accused by the others of giving in to what is known as 'the international dictatorship;' they will accuse the others of being undemocratic. The syndicalists will be accused of fascism; they, in turn, shall accuse the rest of the same. It is never-ending, a seeming constant that has existing ever since our nation was founded.

There are many more issues that will arise as the People's Confederation falls, but as they are more distant, I will not speak of them now.

Personally, it would be wise to keep this discussion open indefinitely. Eastern Haane will be plagued by such problems for years to come.

Martin Bourgaize
Councillor for the People's Confederation of Eastern Haane.