ECoJ Elections, Feb 2021
The National Imperial Council of the Empire of Inimicus has determined its vote to be as follows:
- Jack McCoy (Leagio)
- Christopher Vajda (Reitzmag)
- Rudi Dzhulyanov (Pravoslaviya)
- Lygafaz Athlablomazen (Ruthund)
- Sven Lorenzen (Vayinaod)
- Ünay Gülbiye (Alkharya)
The Republic of Nofoaga votes as follows:
1. Jack McCoy (Leagio)
2. Lygafaz Athlablomazen (Ruthend)
3. Christopher Vajda (Reitzmag)
4. Rudi Dzhulyanov (Pravoslaviya)
5. Sven Lorenzen (Vayinaod) -
Alkharya votes as follows:
- Ünay Gülbiye (Alkharya)
- Lygafaz Athlablomazen (Ruthund)
- Rudi Dzhulyanov (Pravoslaviya)
- Jack McCoy (Leagio)
- Sven Lorenzen (Vayinaod)
- Christopher Vajda (Reitzmag)
The Kingdom of Montenbourg has determined its vote to be as follows:
- Jack McCoy (Leagio)
- Christopher Vajda (Reitzmag)
- Rudi Dzhulyanov (Pravoslaviya)
- Lygafaz Athlablomazen (Ruthund)
- Sven Lorenzen (Vayinaod)
- Ünay Gülbiye (Alkharya)
United Duchies votes as follows:
1:Jack McCoy (Leagio)
2:Sven Lorenzen (Vayinaod)
3:Lygafaz Athlablomazen (Ruthund)
4:Ünay Gülbiye (Alkharya)
5:Christopher Vajda (Reitzmag) -
The Senate of the Commonwealth of Leagio votes as follows:
- Jack McCoy (Leagio)
- Sven Lorenzen (Vayinaod)
- Lygafaz Athlablomazen (Ruthund)
- Christopher Vajda (Reitzmag)
- Ünay Gülbiye (Alkharya)
The Kingdom of Pravoslaviya votes as follows:
- Rudi Dzhulyanov
- Sven Lorenzen
- Lygafaz Athablomlazen
- Jack McCoy
- Unay Gulbiye
The Kingdom of Fremet votes as follows:
- Sven Lorenzen (Vayinaod)
- Lygafaz Athlablomazen (Ruthund)
- Ünay Gülbiye (Alkharya)
- Rudi Dzhulyanov (Pravoslaviya)
- Jack McCoy (Leagio)
The Kingdom of Reitzmag votes as follows:
- Christopher Vajda (Reitzmag)
- Jack McCoy (Leagio)
- Sven Lorenzen (Vayinaod)
Voting is over
Turnout was 12 and results are as follows:
Congratulations to Chief Justice McCoy, and Justices Athlablomazen, Gulbiye, Lorenzen, and Vajda. Commiserations to Rudi Dzhulyanov.