Political Group Applications
Under the European Council Political Groups Act 2016, political groups in the European Council may be formed by Councillors with shared ideologies or political aims. To establish one of these political groups, a Councillor must apply by filling this form below:
Name of political group: Names of founding Councillors (no fewer than two): Designated Chairman: Summary of ideological or political aims: Any additional information:
Approval is entirely at the discretion of the Speaker of the European Council.
Please note that the Speaker is obliged to dissolve a political group in any of the following circumstances:
- The Political Group is reduced to fewer than three members and does not resolve this situation within fourteen days.
- The Political Group’s Chairman, with the consent of a majority of its membership, requests its dissolution.
- The Political Group is found guilty by the European Court of Justice of breaking the terms of the Constitution or the Acquis Communautaire.
- The Political Group fails to elect or appoint a new Chairman within 14 days should the incumbent resign, be removed from office, leave the European Council, or be in any way unable to serve as Chairman.
- The Political Group fails to hold a majority vote on its system of internal decision making within one Gregorian calendar month of its foundation.
- European Progressive Alliance (EPA)
- European Liberal Democrats (ELDR)
- Party of the European Left (PEL)
With the resignation of Cllr. Curthin from the European Council, the European Liberals have been reduced to one sole member, which is Cllr. Greene of the Duxburian Union. I would like to give notice to the European Liberals, particularly to Cllr. Greene, who needs to find at least two new members for his political group by February 26th, or the group shall risk being dissolved.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker -
The European Liberals have been unable to recruit the required amount of members within their days of notice. As Cllr. Greene continues to be the sole member of the eurogroup, the European Liberals are hereby dissolved.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker -
Kingdom of Reitzmag Eurocorps last edited by Kingdom of Reitzmag 26 Apr 2020, 02:02 26 Apr 2020, 01:52
Name of political group: European Liberal Democrats (ELDR)
Names of founding Councillors (no fewer than three): Coun. Mariann Pettersen (Mennrimiak), Coun. Andrew Cernik (United stars Of Valhalla), Coun. Wojciech Zielinsk (Podlasie Lublin Masovia), Coun. Friedrich van Allen
Designated Chairman: Coun. Friedrich van Allen (Kingdom of Reitzmag)
Summary of ideological or political aims: Liberalism, Democracy, Conservatism, Progressivism, Capitalism, etc.
Any additional information: Atty. Winston, a current candidate for Internal Affairs Commissioner, is also a founder but not a councilor. -
The European Liberal Democrats are accepted as a new eurogroup.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker -
Name of political group: Party of the European Left (PEL)
Names of founding Councillors (no fewer than two): Václav Kohout (Czech Slavia), Martin Bourgaize, (Eastern Haane), Molotov Claudio (PRT)
Designated Chairman: Václav Kohout
Summary of ideological or political aims: Left, Socialism, Communism
Any additional information: -
The Party of the European Left are accepted as a new eurogroup.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker -
Name of political group: European League of Sovereign States (ELSS)
Names of founding Councillors (no fewer than two): Lionel Morel (Leagio), James Mizrachi-Roscoe (United Duchies), Tony Odhinazen (Ruthund)
Designated Chairman: Lionel Morel
Summary of ideological or political aims: Anti-EU Federalism/Eurospectic, Limited EU Government, Semi-Libertarian
Any additional information: -
The application submitted by the European League of Sovereign States has been approved and the ELSS are now accepted as a new Eurogroup.
Charles Michel
Council Speaker -
The European Liberal Democrats have had no members for several months, far longer than fourteen days, and are in any case unable to recruit any new members due to this lack. They also no longer have a chairman, or for that matter anyone who could elect a chairman, and this too has been a situation that has lasted far longer than fourteen days.
The European Liberal Democrats are thus officially dissolved as a Eurogroup.
*[Correction: It does not appear as though the ELSS has registered any illegal members]
The European Progressive Alliance and Party of the European Left currently have illegally registered a number of individuals and organizations as associate members. These groups are ordered to expel individuals with associate membership which do not fall under the categories which the European Political Groups Act allows to become associate members within thirty days or risk litigation in the European Court of Justice.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker -
Name of political group:More Europe
Names of founding Councillors (no fewer than two):James Mizrachi-Roscoe(United Duchies), zumi Miwako, (Councillor for the Federal Republic of Yosai)
Designated Chairman:James Mizrachi-Roscoe
Summary of ideological or political aims:Pro-Europe grouping pushing for more EU harmonisation and cooperation on areas of trade , consumer protections , security, movement of people among other areas while respecting countries different cultures and social values.
Any additional information: -
More Europe's application will not be considered until it has designated a chairman, as per European law.
Councillor Mizrachi-Roscoe is also still a member of the ELSS, and would thus be unable to join the group More Europe; upon founding, it would thus immediately have only one member, and thus be given fourteen days to find another lest it be dissolved.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker -
I have as of today left the Eurogroup ELSS which I feel no longer meets or suits the full goals of my plans for legislation going forward. I wish to set up the new Eurogroup to advocate for more harmonisation on many areas of legisliation while protecting nations rights to set their own social laws without interference outside of basic human rights.
James Mizrachi Roscoe , Councillour for United Duchies
In spite of my many misgivings regarding Council political groups, the application for More Europe is approved. The group has until the 18th of July, 2023, to hold a majority vote on its system of internal decision making.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker -
The ELSS has been reduced to one member; I ask Chairman Lionel Morel to find at least one new member for it, as is required by law, by 00:32 GMT on 4 July 2023, and warn him that his group will be dissolved if it does not.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker -
I hereby announce the dissolution of ELSS.
Lionel Morel
EU Councilor for Leagio -
The ELSS is dissolved.
Iras Tilkanas
Council Speaker