Repeal the Elected and Accountable Council Act 2020
Quite frankly we oppose this attempt to undermine democracy in the EU. There certainly is an argument to be had about numbers and proportionality and whether representation should be same for each nation or proportional to population. There is also argument over whether any particular election system should be favoured but just because it is not perfect then we do not need to throw the baby out with the bathwater so to speak. Just now we are discussing an increase in councillors per nation to make it more representitive, not necessarily a perfect deal but progress towards a more democratic and representative council but the answer is always more democracy not less , we should not let potentially unelected heads of state decide who sits here or a government elected on less than 50% of the population. The Elected and Accountable Council Act 2020 protects the role by keeping it democratic and decided for by the people not by an rich out of touch elite or metropolitan bubble.
Tobias Farage Johnson
I see the debate has turned up to be a debate between Councillor van Allen and the Speaker, because he has been mentioned by the Reitzmic Councillor about the Home Affairs of Inquista and the Diplomatic action of Reitzmag with Inquista. Mr. van Allen, do you think we care about if you angry about a Treaty being refused by the Inquistan College of Bishops? I don't care about it, let's focus onto the main matter now please. That's why I second the Speaker's proposal to end the constant derailing of the topics every day.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
Councillor Van Allen, please, for the love of whatever entity you believe in, shut the hell up. I could not care less about your conflicts with Inquista, or with any other country for that matter, ESPECIALLY during this time when the topic is completely different than whatever you're trying to rail it to. Stop it. This is your last warning. The European Council not a place to cry and whine about your incompetence.
As for Councillor Farage Johnsen, not only your argument does not make any sense, you're putting the weight of undemocratic and unfunctional governments onto other governments by restricting their freedom of choice, just like Councillor Tusk and Councillor Firoux. To be frank, I don't believe that European Union is a bastion of democracy. If it really were, it would prohibit literal dictatorships from ever stepping foot on Europolis. Instead, it puts bills like the EACA to make it seem like a democratic bastion to silence the Eurosceptics and anti-EU nutjobs. Let's not fool ourselves with this hypocritical delusion that the EU does a great job at upholding democracy, we've had quite a lot of dictatorships come and go. And don't get it twisted, I always loved the idea of Alkharya being on an union with other countries and making greater relationships, but not like this. Never like this.
Like Acwellan Devoy said, these seats are for member states. A councillor is the connection between a member state and the rest of European Union. And there is no other entity that can choose its councillor better than the member state itself.
Aylin Gökçen
Councillor of Alkharya -
Mr. Gökçen, I am here as a representative of my country, and I in fact gave those statements to tell Coun. Firoux of such misconduct he had done in which has been a violation of my power on democracy and my country's sovereignty. You see, Coun. Firoux here is a good speaker but not a good councilor. I am not angry, instead I am questioning your motives for such. Whether you all my colleagues do care or not, this matter has something to do with us Councilors and our exercise of duty and office and also the way we are elected. I have already stated my suggestion on this matter and I do not side with any of the pro-EACA or anti-EACA. What I just wish is harmony in which the ideas of both the sides are mixed to create an idea much agreeable to all. Hence, what I suggested is that the highest decision making body will decide on how their Councilors will be chosen. However, I also suggested that the method must at least have some level of democracy. An example of which is appointment from the cabinet of the government which had been voted by all the ministries and departments.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag -
I don't think it would be within proper decorum of the Council to have an ex-councillor debate the active Speaker, so I will answer on Master Devoy's behalf. Any feedback or criticism for what he's said should be directed to me.
Speaker Firoux, I don't think Master Devoy claimed to have written the entire Constitution or intended to marginalize other Councillors' contributions to the document. If you were listening, he was referring to very specific parts. That's also why I introduced him as "an" author and not "the" author.
We continue to have constitutional debates with you, because the Constitution doesn't really support the way you're using it to elevate democracy to such a pedestal. Yes, I acknowledge that it's very important, but the level you want it is just not required. "Promoting democracy" is part of the Preample...that's not a judiciable part of the document. It's just a mission statement, you can't violate a Preample. The Right to Democratic Governence in the UDoHR is enforceable by a court of law and the part to examine. Even the powerful first and third clauses appear to be aimed at national governments and not really at councillors.
We also disagree on the validity of representation as democratic. You seem to think anything short of a full election isn't democratic. I see appointed representatives as an extension of trust that voters put into the government representatives they did elect. They still have democratic legitimacy, flowing through the previous level of representation. If the people aren't happy with who their government appoints to do whatever, they can vote that government out.
I agree with you that a member-state is a country and that the people comprise a country. But, the government of that country is the only entity that can represent it internationally. The people just aren't the government, unless it's one massive direct democracy with no representatives at all, which describes no current member-state. The government is its own separate entity and it alone has the power to act on behalf of the entire country. Thus, a councillor must represent it, as stated by the EU Constitution.
Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be able to see eye to eye on these issues. The way you extrapolate meaning from things that weren't said, and the loose way you use the European Constitution to grant legitimacy to your ideological goals are highly concerning. You aren't listening or reading. Your way or the highway helped cost us Angleter, who is next? Master Devoy's way or the highway cost several member-states, as well. Tyranny by majority in the name of whatever goals rips the EU apart.
At the end of the day, there is a sizeable contingent of councillors and member-states who simply want to retain the freedom to choose how they are represented in the Council. They want to follow the Constitution as written rather than having it warped to mean whatever you want it to. This act has got to go.
Wesley Greene
Councillor of the Duxburian Union -
Final voting begins NOW and will last until 05:45 GMT on October 30th, 2020.
On behalf of the Most Blessed State of Inquista, I vote AGAINST this repeal.
Edward Firoux
Council Speaker and Councillor for Inquista -
On behalf of the Commonwealth of Leagio, I vote AGAINSTt this repeal.
Francis Plessis
EU Councilor for Leagio -
On behalf of the United Duchies, I vote AGAINST this repeal.
Tobias Johnson Farage -
On behalf of Alkharya, I vote FOR this repeal.
Aylin Gökçen
Councillor of Alkharya -
On behalf of the Republic of Nofoaga, I vote AGAINST this repeal.
Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare
EU Councilor for the Republic of Nofoaga -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Fremet, I vote FOR this repeal.
Charles Michel
Councilor for the Kingdom of Fremet -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Montenbourg, I vote AGAINST this repeal.
Emma Granger
Councillor for Montenbourg -
On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote AGAINST this repeal.
Donald D. Tusk
Councillor for Spain -
The Empire of Inimicus votes FOR this repeal.
On behalf of the Kingdom of Pravoslaviya, I vote FOR this repeal.
Cllr Tupac Shakur
((OOC: I initially left as to maintain my grades, which were high then. Abandoning RP, however, has only caused my writing to start declining in quality. At the same time, I've started feeling more stress despite having less work than there was at, say, the height of the Eastern Haane RP in September (possibly because RP was a source of stress relief). This stress has also led to declines in both organization and time management. As a result, I don't see any reason to continue with this hiatus. I 'm really sorry for this, and hope that it has not caused any issues.))
On behalf of the Federal Republic of Austria, I vote FOR this repeal.
Eugen Freund
Councillor for the Federal Republic of Austria -
On behalf of the Realm of Great Ruthund, I vote AGAINST this repeal.
Vintufrida Luzrogizen
Acting EU Councillor, Ruthund -
On behalf of the Union of Duxburian Dominions, I vote FOR the repeal.
Wesley Greene
Councillor of the Duxburian Union -
On behalf of the Queen Anastasia and Icholasen, I vote AGAINST this repeal.
Duchess Councillor Poppy Carlton-Romanov II Attorney-at-Law
On behalf of the Kingdom of Reitzmag, I ABSTAIN from voting on this repeal.
Friedrich van Allen
Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag